Why English as the Universal Language of Science Is a Problem for Research

Where do most of the researchers and inventors around the world appear today? What is their mother tongue?

The obstacle to many researches in our country is that many of the documents and research articles that they need to do research are available in English only 80-90%.

Can't anyone read and understand research articles so easily? Why is that?
Today most scientific papers are published in English. What is lost when other languages ​​leave?

Plagiarism in research articles Should not be. What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.

In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution.
plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.

In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution.
The vast majority of scientific papers today are published in English.

What gets lost when other languages get left out?
We must also submit our research paper in English only.

What is the future of languages ​​other than English if the same situation persists?
Will we be forced into an environment where the developed countries of the world have to rely on new inventions, especially without any chance of developing any Indian language?

What is the solution to this?

More from Science

UNEP's new Human Development Index includes a new (separate) index: Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI). News in Norway is that its position drops from #1 to #16 because of this, while Ireland rises from #2 to #1.


Check out Norway's 'Domestic Material Consumption'. Fossil fuels are no different here to Ireland's. What's different is this huge 'non-metallic minerals' category.
(Note also the jump in 1998, suggesting data problems.)

In Norway's case, it looks like the apparent consumption equation (production+imports-exports) for non-metal minerals is dominated by production: extraction of material in Norway.

And here we see that this production of non-metallic minerals is sand, gravel and crushed rock for construction. So it's about Norway's geology.

Norway drops 15 places on the PHDI list not because of its CO₂ emissions (fairly high at 41st highest in the world per capita), but because of its geology, because it shifts a lot of rock whenever it builds anything.
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics




In some cases, almost 100% of the light energy can be converted to the second harmonic frequency. These cases typically involve intense pulsed laser beams passing through large crystals, and careful alignment to obtain phase matching.
This is a thread on statistics in science: 1/7 (via @LogicofScience)

Basic Statistics Part 1: The Law of Large Numbers https://t.co/wUH8eAAIak

#Science #Statistics

Basic Statistics Part 2: Correlation vs. Causation

https://t.co/Azhyl8pDsX (2/7)

Basic Statistics Part 3: The Dangers of Large Data Sets: A Tale of P values, Error Rates, and Bonferroni Corrections

https://t.co/LetN6aEBRM (3/7)

Basic statistics part 4: understanding P values

https://t.co/K8MMMgTCOf (4/7)

Basic Statistics Part 5: Means vs Medians, Is the “Average”
1. I find it remarkable that some medics and scientists aren’t raising their voices to make children as safe as possible. The comment about children being less infectious than adults is unsupported by evidence.

2. @c_drosten has talked about this extensively and @dgurdasani1 and @DrZoeHyde have repeatedly pointed out flaws in the studies which have purported to show this. Now for the other assertion: children are very rarely ill with COVID19.

3. Children seem to suffer less with acute illness, but we have no idea of the long-term impact of infection. We do know #LongCovid affects some children. @LongCovidKids now speaks for 1,500 children struggling with a wide range of long-term symptoms.

4. 1,500 children whose parents found a small campaign group. How many more are out there? We don’t know. ONS data suggests there might be many, but the issue hasn’t been studied sufficiently well or long enough for a definitive answer.

5. Some people have talked about #COVID19 being this generation’s Polio. According to US CDC, Polio resulted in inapparent infection in more than 99% of people. Severe disease occurred in a tiny fraction of those infected. Source:

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