Vishnu puran has twenty three thousand shlokas. It has the power to destroy all your sins. In its first part it contains the dialogue between Parashar rishi and Maitrey rishi.

The main topics discussed here are Aadikaraan sarg, origin of devtas, Samudra manthan, the vansh of Daksh, stories of Dhruv and Pruthu, Prachetas analysis, Prahlads story, the distribution of different powers to the various sections of society.
The second part consists of description of Priyavrat vansh, description of Dweeps, Varsh, Swarg, Narak, description of various planet movements, Bharat charitra, Muktimarg and dialogue between Nidhag and Ribhu.
Next is the description of Manvantars, avtaar of Vedvyas,
and ways to get freedom from Narak. Then we find a dialogue between Sagar & Aurva rishi, structure of Dharma, Shradh Kalp,Varnashram dharma, good behavior and story of Maya & Moha.

In the 4th part we find the description of Chandra vansh along with the description of its rulers.
Next are the questions regarding Krishnavtar, Gokul, the slaying of Putna, atrocities of demon Aghasur, Killing of Kansa, leela in Mathura, demons slayed by Krishna in order to ease the load of Prithvi, Krisha's marriages and sermon by Ashtavakra.
In the next section we find the character of Kaliyug, four types of Mahapralay, Brahmgyan to Khandikya by Keshidhwaj.

In the last section which consists of sermons by Suutji and Shaunakji about Vishnu dharmotar which consists of descriptions of various types of dharma.
It also describes various vrats, yum niyam, vedant, Dharma shashtra, Arth shashtra, Jyotish, strotras, mantras and types of Vidya. Vishnipuraan carries all the principles of the shashtra. Here Vedvyas describes the Varah Kalp.

Whoever reads this book get all their wishes
fulfilled and go straight to Vishnulok. Whoever gets this Puraan written and then donates it to Brahmin on Ashaadh Purnima goes to Vaikunth in a divine Vimaan. Even reading just the index gives you maximum results.
I have posted the same in other social media platforms too👇

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Facebook link👇
Hindi translation by Vishal ji👇

More from Anshul Pandey

Rig Ved 1.40.6

For the purification, beautification and cleansing of our chitta(चित्त) and to make our inner self full of prem(Love), to make Stuti bhaavmay(भावमय) and rasmay(रसमय) stuti is a Prayer that takes us to Parmatma. Since Parmatma is omnipresent,


our prayers are definitely heard. Parmatma is Chaitanya, present everywhere. In terms of Kaal or time he is always there. In terms of Desh or place he is everywhere and in terms of vastu or thing he is chaitanya. So if our prayers go to him, they are definitely heard.


तमिद्वो॑चेमा वि॒दथे॑षु शं॒भुवं॒ मंत्रं॑ देवा अने॒हसं॑ ।
इ॒मां च॒ वाचं॑ प्रति॒हर्य॑थाव नरो॒ विश्वेद्वा॒मा वो॑ अश्नवत् ॥


देवाः '- Oh the leader devtas!

तम इत् - This.

शंभुवम - Wishing for happiness.

अनेहसम् - Without any flaws.

मन्त्रम् - Of mantras.


विदथेषु - In yagya.

वोचेन - Us.

नरः - Oh leaders!

इमाम् - This.

वाचन - Of speech.

च - If.

प्रतिहर्यथ - If you wish.

विश्वा इत् - All.

वामा - Beautiful words.

वः - Yours.

अश्नवत् - To get.

Explanation: Oh the leader devtas! We are offering mantras for


happiness and destruction of difficulties. Oh leaders! If you wish for these mantras respectfully, then these Beautiful mantras are devoted to you.

Deep meaning:For the purification, beautification and cleansing of our chitta(चित्त) and to make our inner

Rig Ved 1.40.2

Here marudgans are requested to help the yajmans at the time of war. Our actual war is with ignorance. We will become truly powerful and able bodied only after defeating ignorance. The yajmans request marudgans to make them effective rather than


make them lacking in something. Let their nature and effectiveness be divine. Let their Praan and Pragya { knowledge} become capable. Mind will be enriched only when it is satisfied. Unsatisfied and sad mind cannot carry out the work of Paramarth.


Only quiet and reclusive mind can think of Paramarth. Those who are unattached can only experience constant mind(स्थिर बुद्धि). The one with determined insight only can know their true self. This is what we wish Parmatma to grant us.


त्वामिद्धि स॑हसस्पुत्र॒ मर्त्य॑ उपब्रू॒ते धने॑ हि॒ते ।
सु॒वीर्यं॑ मरुत॒ आ स्वश्व्यं॒ दधी॑त॒ यो व॑ आच॒के ॥


सहस्त्रपुत्र - Oh the protector of many Waters!

मर्त्य: - Human.

हिते - Formidable for enemies.

धने - For wealth.

त्वाम - Yours.

इत - This.


उप ब्रूते - Near.

हि - Is there.

मरुतः - Marudgan.

यः - Which.

व: - Yours.

आचके - To praise.

स्वश्यव्यम - With beautiful horses.

सुवीर्यम - With best valour.

आ दधित - To wear on all sides.

Explanation: Oh the doers of all courageous works! The men call out to you


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@Kate_SdE @PriyamvadaGopal @ChathamHouse @AdomGetachew Hindu nationalism should not have a negative connotation. It’s not exclusivist because Hinduism isn’t a religion - rather, it’s a way of life, and the term “Hindu” refer broadly to the people around and east of the Sindhu. This transcends the modern construct of religions.

@PriyamvadaGopal @ChathamHouse @AdomGetachew For “Hindus” - a broad-brush stroke for a people whose culture is underpinned by a knowledge system that provides logical structure for adopters of a plethora of philosophies, “Hindu nationalism” by definition, is inclusive and pluralistic. It gives space to everyone.

@PriyamvadaGopal @ChathamHouse @AdomGetachew If Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva-Mimamsa, Buddhist and Jain philosophies are studied in comparison with Abrahamic faiths, India’s unique Carl Popper Paradox comes to light. The imposition of a western matrix of secularism on a pluralistic culture has done much harm.

@PriyamvadaGopal @ChathamHouse @AdomGetachew Because the traditions are rooted in universalist philosophies, India gladly hosts followers of non-proselytizing faiths. Supremacist theocratic ideologies find little resonance with the people of the land. To understand “Hindu nationalism,” one has to study Indic philosophy.

@PriyamvadaGopal @ChathamHouse @AdomGetachew Equally, it is important to view history objectively, know the excesses of supremacist invaders/colonizers, and importantly, understand the asymmetries created by the “secular” state which structurally disadvantage the vastly heterogeneous so-called “Hindu” majority.

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