NEW: @SidneyPowell1 radio interview w/ @toddeherman "The new report has a truckload of evidence of foreign interference in the election in it. That's what people seem to want to deny, even though the FBI & CISA ... issued an advisory and alert back on Oct. 30th & updated on

2/ Nov. 3rd, so for them to deny that now is absolutely absurd. Plus, we have an affidavit from an expert cyber-warfare [individual] who even shows the diagram of all the attacks coming in. We know that the VPN ... the Dominion people left those open and unencrypted on the night
3/ of the election, so that anybody could get in. We know that the packets of information went to Serbia [note: over 100 Dominion employees scrubbed there LinkedIn profiles of any affiliation with the company after the election, many of whom were in Serbia], Liechtenstein,
4/ Spain, Venezuela, Hunan, China & Hong Kong. There was traffic all over into our election system that is supposed to be self-contained, not accessible by the internet at all. We have witnesses who document that it was connected to the internet. We have a study out of
5/ [the Dominion voting system in Antrim] MI, they know that it was connected to the internet. They erased their audit files & their adjudication files, where they dumped over 68% of their ballots into a bin that they call "adjudication" [that would've been thousands + thousands
6/ of ballots] and then an individual with no scrutiny whatsoever decides what to do with those, and obviously they were trained to either flip them for Biden, trash them for Trump, move them to a 3rd-party candidate and then do something else with them. It was a very elaborate
7/ and well-organized plan and we're documenting that in lawsuits that we've filed that are now pending before the Supreme Court regarding the states of AZ, GA, MI & WI." 💥

@toddeherman "Has a judge, anywhere, actually looked at the evidence you have? Or have they just read
8/ your brief? Has any judge in any of these cases, Sidney, said, I want to see all the evidence?"

@SidneyPowell1 "No. No judge has heard the evidence. No judge has truly even looked at the affidavits that have been attached. They have dismissed the cases out of hand on issues
9/ like "Standing" or "The Abstention Doctrine", actually, this ridiculous litany of excuses to reject our cases in particular, because we represent electors who have standing under the Constitution in all of these states, so for them to dismiss our cases on any basis is
10/ absolutely ridiculous. We have just an extraordinary volume of evidence that you wouldn't even put in the complaint stage of a normal case, but knowing the scrutiny this was going to receive, we've documented it extremely well as best as could possibly be done given the time
11/ allowed under the whole election set-up. This was a masterful, Machiavellian scheme by all the people that pulled it off. COVID was the cover for the fake-ballots. There are 100's of thousands of fake ballots that were generated & then put into the system. We're getting more
12/ evidence of that every day."

@SidneyPowell1 says that they have ID'd someone who claims to have some of these "fake-ballots" & her team is in the process of getting them [i.e. those printed w/ different paper, same markings on each ballots, didn't look like natural ballots].

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