Marketing isn’t a scam

Marketing makes change happen. Marketing makes your creations known

I'll share some tactics & frameworks I use

How to get lucky in marketing in 2021:

How marketing has evolved:

Marketing used to be a contest for attention

But now, marketing is a contest for CONNECTION

Whoever owns the connection, wins
Turn your product into a social statement

Products that make you feel good or defend you from being cancelled, spread fast

Ex: Make clothes out of recycled plastic

Point: People want a chance to show they stand for something
Are you working with creators?

Some of the world’s biggest brands were catapulted in the 1960s via TV

Brands bought TV ads. Captured attention

Working with creators is like buying TV ads in the 1960s

Point: Co-building with the right creators is like fishing with dynamite
Avoid ads. Build media companies

Prediction: every public company will own a media arm

It’s a magical shortcut to building true fans

Ads just don’t hit the same way
Scarcity creates value
Scarcity creates tension
Scarcity creates word-of-mouth
Scarcity sells

Limited number of physical pieces
Limited number of NFTs
Limited number of events
Limited spots in your community
“Drops” are the new marketing

A drop is a product (often separate from your brand) that creates viral moments in your community

I'd suggest creating a "Drop Roadmap" launching 3-4 drops per year

Goal: to create trust and spread the word

Point: drop the ads, and build drops
Follow me @gregisenberg for more threads like this

I won't let you down
I'll be writing more on my newsletter on how to build community based products and startup/marketing insights

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A few marketing tactics & frameworks for 2021:

- Create scarcity
- Build media arms
- Co-create with creators
- Define your social statement
- Don’t trust yourself. Trust your community
- Connection > attention


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big louis winthorpe III energy

i almost feel bad for the guy, because someone this absolutely clueless about how he sounds really shouldn't be allowed to post under his own name.

he seems like someone who *genuinely* means well most of the time, but it extremely easy to excite and wind up, and who is just profoundly dense about the wisdom of getting wound up the way he does in public.

on the other hand, the tara reade business was indefensible, exploitative, and gross. if there is ever a writer who desperately needs an editor to save him from himself, it's nathan robinson.

i had a few friends in high school who were well-meaning, wealthier than they realized, and in drama class, and most of them grew out of their nathan robinson stage because, well, it was oklahoma. there's almost something a little charming about the fact that he didn't.

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