All the ways you can sell lead generation as a service.


1. Scrape emails and sell the lists.

> Approach marketing agencies

> Ask their target market

> Find out who they sell to

Use the following tools to scrape emails:
Ecommerce: BuiltWith

Literally anything else: IcyLeads

Finding owner contact info from BuiltWith lists: Anymailfinder

Icy Leads affiliate link 👇
You sell the direct email addresses of founders, owners, CEO's, CMO's, partners, and presidents.

Nobody wants the info or support emails.

Direct emails.

This is why you use Anymailfinder.

Charge $1 per piece.

Upsell cold email as a service.
2. Cold Email

> Approach Marketing agency

> See who they sell to

> Scrape the lists

> Write the personalized emails for them

> Promise 10 sales calls per month with qualified prospects.

This is what I teach 👇
3. LinkedIn

> Approach Marketing Agency

> See who they sell to

> Write them 3 LinkedIn articles per week

> Write personalized connection requests to their target audience

> Or use MeetAlfred to automate

(conversion rates are ridiculous if you personalize with compliments)
4. Facebook ads

> Pick any business with high conversion values

> Real estate, med spas, financial advisors, dentists

> Make Facebook lead ads that drive to a phone call

> Charge a monthly retainer on top of ad spend
5. Google ads

> Same exact shit as Facebook ads but you're using Google ads

The mechanism matters.

Real estate agents may get pitched Facebook ads 5 times per week.

But if you're pitching Google, you'll stand out.
Pick one and stick with it.

Not two.


Don't stray from the path.

6 months doing the same exact thing over and over again will feed you forever.

Control your ADHD

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