Here's what you'll hear when you first get into machine learning.

- Neural networks
- Loss
- Weights
- Biases
- Epochs
- Neurons
- Optimizers

It can get very confusing really fast!

Here are some of the terms you should know about.
(I wish I had this before)


These terms won't mean anything unless you know what Machine learning is all about.

> Machine learning is the process of making a program which allows a computer to learn from data.

The data could be anything, images, audio or even text.
In machine learning we use something called a neural network, this is essentially an imitation of the human brain.

> Neural Networks are a digital imitation of the neurons you see in the human brain.
In these neural networks, data flows through them and each neuron (the circle) has a numerical value which will change.

> The value of a neuron gets changes to something which is close to what we want each time the data passes through the neural network.
Think of the neurons as dials on a lock, you have to tune every dial to open the lock.

It is almost impossible for a human to tune thousands of dials like these, but a computer certainly can.
Once the dials are well tuned, you have a well trained neural network!

Each dial's numeric value is dependent on a "weight" and a "bias". The weight determines how important the neuron is and the bias make it flexible.
So here's a recap of what we've looked at so far:

The neural net is the brain of the machine learning model, the dials you have to adjust to make that neural net work are the neurons.
Let's move on🔥

Each time data passes through the neural network, we get to know how wrong it is. The measure of how wrong a neural network is called the "loss". The neural network uses this thing called an "optmizer" to reduce "loss" and tries to get less wrong after each iteration.
The number of times the data passes through the neural net is called the "epoch".

That was a lot! Let's summarize👇
Neural Network: The brain of our machine learning model
Neuron : Each dial in a neural network
Weight : How important the neuron is
Bias : Flexibility of neuron
Epoch : Number of times the data passes through the neural network
Loss : How wrong the neural net is
Optimizer : Tries to reduce loss and make the neural net less wrong
Now some FAQs
> How to get started with machine learning?
Which language to learn for machine learning?
> Python is the most common and well known, It would be my pick.
I don't have a powerful PC, how do I get into machine learning?
> You don't need one, use Google Colab.

More from Pratham Prasoon

More from Machine learning

10 PYTHON 🐍 libraries for machine learning.

Retweets are appreciated.
[ Thread ]

1. NumPy (Numerical Python)

- The most powerful feature of NumPy is the n-dimensional array.

- It contains basic linear algebra functions, Fourier transforms, and tools for integration with other low-level languages.


2. SciPy (Scientific Python)

- SciPy is built on NumPy.

- It is one of the most useful libraries for a variety of high-level science and engineering modules like discrete Fourier transform, Linear Algebra, Optimization, and Sparse matrices.


3. Matplotlib

- Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.

- You can also use Latex commands to add math to your plot.

- Matplotlib makes hard things possible.


4. Pandas

- Pandas is for structured data operations and manipulations.

- It is extensively used for data munging and preparation.

- Pandas were added relatively recently to Python and have been instrumental in boosting Python’s usage.


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