My hot take is that trying to solve male loneliness is basically worthless because dating apps and social media have all but destroyed in person organic relationships for a large quantity of people

This is gonna sound cringe but only abandoning patriarchal culture will save them

Japan is America's future where a large % of the population is going to be sexless and marriage less. We're already seeing the signs.
The globe is over-saturated with males because of stigma about daughters. Dating apps mean young women have a unprecedented amount of selectiveness to a (tiny) amount of high quality men. Other men will falter, making relationship rates decline and promote general unhappiness.
Sex work is good for a sex-crazed culture like ours but make no mistake it will not solve the depression and loneliness epidemic. Young men aren't sad about not getting sex, tho they say they are, they're actually sad about feeling undesired.
We're going to have a to teach a new generation of women that masculinity isn't real and they selective few men they chase is not representative. To abandon their desires for a high earning man for marriage and the belief that somehow they expire at 30 years old.
We're going to have to teach a new generation of men to stop measuring sex as one's manhood. To accept being a stay at home dad, earning less, being less educated. To be open to more platonic friendships for companionship rather than just romantic.
All the problems we see are a result of gender norms predicated on men running the household and women being subservient. They hurt genders both ways and are not compatible with a digitized, highly educated, increasingly gender-equal society anymore. And thats good.
Women also suffer from a loneliness crisis too. It's not a male-only thing. Apps like Instagram have put unbearable levels of pressure of women about body imagery. A constant need for self-esteem about being attractive.
Just like very few men have ever been told they're attractive in their lives, very few women have been complimented for their abilities or intelligence. Whenever they are, they suspect the compliment from a man is just to get sex. That's a terrible thought to constantly have.
Lastly, and I think this may be key @Noahpinion, homophobia has really ruined male friendships. The weird obsession with not being called gay has made straight men so scared to reveal their emotions to other men.
I love all the incels saying I'm a soy and dont fuck while they hide behind anonymous accounts because they're so ugly or look like washed up PUAs from 2005.

No amount of projecting is gonna help bro, im good, im trying to help you.

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