One liners, inspired by that @yungdeleuze thread

The idea that ugly people have inner beauty is largely a myth
Spiritual beauty and physical beauty are related and mutually reinforcing
Sjws make themselves ugly because they have no idea how to be beautiful
Beauty is not nearly as subjective as you think
The children of sex-hating Christians became sex-hating sjws, same drama, different window dressing
Nearly every young woman is beautiful if she isn’t fat, and grows out her hair
Women only love you when they know you don’t need their love
I have never met an energetic fat person. Lazy body, lazy mind
The demonization of cigarette smoking is at least partly the cause of the obesity epidemic.
The energy you put into addiction has to go somewhere. You can’t break an addiction, only replace it
Vanity is as fine a motivation as any to work hard for personal gain
You obsess over moral philosophy because you have no strong moral convictions
Deep in your bowels you know right from wrong
The most insufferable people are those who are unaware of the treachery of the self against the self
Most of our behaviors are modeled after the actions of people around us
If you could be friends with a great warrior or scholar you would find it much easier to be those things
Liberalism hurts us most by defaming all positive examples
The number of people in the world guarantees a high level of redundancy
Knowing you’re redundant is unbearable. Everyone finds a lie to help them feel unique
The end of the world will not look the way you expect. Every generation thinks the world will end in their lifetime
The technocapital singularity, if it happens, won’t save you from yourself
The Chinese won’t save you from the baizuo, western man
When you read a complicated literary work, you are also reading yourself
Harry Potter is the worst thing that ever happened to the literate people of the West
Social science is secular theology.
It’s even easier to lie with numbers than with words
Many people use the identity “nerd” to pretend to be a scientist, but they are only hermit crabs, stealing a discarded shell
It’s amazing what you will do when a crowd cheers for you to do it
Everyone is tempted to lie to impress others, unless they think honesty will score them more points
The more people pay attention to you, the less you can say
We evolved to be discontent. It’s adaptive
The contrarian, upon finding a group of people who share his ideas, feels compelled to attack them
Stop pretending you’ve read so many books that you haven’t. A chapter, an introduction, a summary, a Wikipedia article don’t count
The condition of man is to be a little too obsessed with novelty, to our detriment
Beliefs about things you can’t see or touch are fashion
Philosophy is a game with no objective
Thesis: Obama
Antithesis: Trump
Synthesis: Kanye

More from Zero HP Lovecraft

My friends, I am expanding to Gab, though I will continue to post here. This place has become too insufferable, too fake, too hemmed in, and I have found it is harder to speak earnestly to you, because to be earnest breaks my heart

When I look around me, I feel mostly contempt. I'm supposed to say contempt is a bad emotion, that it eats you alive inside, that it's noble to set these things aside and focus on the positive–but I'm not here to say what I'm supposed to

Trump is gone and we are all still processing that. I haven't had much to say on this topic because I prefer to watch things unfold than pretend to understand a complex social situation where I have no inside information.

We feel angry and betrayed after this loss, but it's not that we lost Trump the man, it's that we lost Trump the symbol. He represented a rising American nationalist consciousness, that's what we don't want to let go

Any lingering hope I had for America is gone. This is not my country any more. Maybe it hasn't been for a while, but that last trace of belonging is gone. There are still people here who are my people, but this is not our country
Pickup artistry is a religion.
I know, I know, I call everything a religion. But when I say this word, religion, I mean there are certain affordances in the human psyche, and they are filled by memetic egregores, and when they are empty, they long to be filled

Pickup artistry (hereafter, PUA) is a religion, and in spite of its relative youth, it is quite a sophisticated one. I mean no offense to men who subscribe to these views when I analyze them. There are people who think “X is a religion” is a criticism. Wrong

I have identified six major components of religious memeplexes. There are other, lesser components. To review, they are: eschatology, false consciousness, religious ecstasy, dietary taboo, a nemesis, and evangelism. PUA has all of these

False consciousness: before you learned of the Venusian arts, you were an average frustrated chump. Now, using my FIELD TESTED system and techniques, you can become ALPHA and will be able to get as many beautiful women as you

Eschatology: the West is in decline, have you heard of Spengler? Don’t waste your time trying to fix it. I’ll be poolside, enjoying the decline by using game to get as many flags as

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Russia hasn't been a willing partner in this treaty for almost 3 decades. We should have ended the pretense long ago.

Naturally, Rand Paul is telling anyone who will listen to him that Trump is making a HUGE MISTAKE here.

Rand is just like his dad, Ron. 100% isolationist.

They've never grasped that 100% isolationist is not 'America First' when you examine it. It really means 'America Alone'.

The consistent grousing of pursuing military alliances with allies - like Trump is doing now with Saudi Arabia.

So of course Rand has also spent the last 2 days loudly calling for Trump to kill the arms deal with Saudi Arabia and end our alliance with them.

What Obama was engineering with his foreign policy was de facto isolationism: pull all the troops out of the ME, abandon the region to Iranian control as a client state of Russia.

Obama wasn't building an alliance with Iran; he was facilitating abandoning the ME to Iran.

Obama wouldn't even leave behind a token security force, so of course what happened was the rise of ISIS. He also pumped billions of dollars into the Iranian coffers, which the Mullah's used to fund destabilizing activity [wars/terrorism] & criminal enterprises all over the globe