Common Productivity Mistakes You Might be Making

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Apply these to significantly improve productivity.

#6 alone will turn you into a machine.

1. Over-Planning

A man without a plan will almost always get nowhere.

But while you do want to narrow it down as specific as possible.

People often get too caught up at this stage and spend the majority of their time trying to perfect the plan.
Which ultimately leads to them not doing any of the work.

Pick one skill, one destination, and go.

Optimize as needed.

There is no such thing as perfect, it does not exist.
2. Planning too much

Your to-do list should not have 20 items on it each day.

Nobody has the capacity to do that many quality tasks.

Adopt the Jeff Bezos style:

3 big tasks each day, 3 decisions to make, as early as possible in the day.

That’s it.
Focus on quality rather than quantity.
3. Not systemizing daily routines:

Thing’s that are part of your everyday routine can be systemized.

By doing this you have less thinking and planning to do.

For example, you know you have to do an hour workout every day.
Have a system in place where you hit the gym as soon as you wake up.

Have your workouts planned and ready.

Just hit go and get to work.

Fewer decisions, more brain capacity for the main tasks you need to do later in the day.
4. Not using caffeine properly:

Caffeine is an amazing nootropic if used properly.

Somewhere along the line, it became a social thing and people just drink it to drink it.
By doing this you build up a tolerance and will not have the same effects as if only used caffeine when doing your big tasks of the day.

For example, I only drink coffee right before I’m doing my big work of the day.

The work that requires the most brainpower.
5. Multitasking:

Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can perform at the top quality when you are trying to do multiple things at once.

One task. 100% focus.

This is the only way you should be doing your major work.
Anything else and you are just not functioning at peak performance.
6. Leaving Notifications on

The most common and WORST thing you can do for your productivity

Every time a notification drops in, you lose your whole train of thought.
Nothing drains brain power like having to constantly check notifications when trying to do work.


All of them.

You can survive for 2 hours without a dopamine hit.

This alone will skyrocket your productivity.

Try it and see for yourself.
Thanks for reading.

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TradingView isn't just charts

It's much more powerful than you think

9 things TradingView can do, you'll wish you knew yesterday: 🧵

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

1/ Free Multi Timeframe Analysis

Step 1. Download Vivaldi Browser

Step 2. Login to trading view

Step 3. Open bank nifty chart in 4 separate windows

Step 4. Click on the first tab and shift + click by mouse on the last tab.

Step 5. Select "Tile all 4 tabs"

What happens is you get 4 charts joint on one screen.

Refer to the attached picture.

The best part about this is this is absolutely free to do.

Also, do note:

I do not have the paid version of trading view.

2/ Free Multiple Watchlists

Go through this informative thread where @sarosijghosh teaches you how to create multiple free watchlists in the free

3/ Free Segregation into different headers/sectors

You can create multiple sections sector-wise for free.

1. Long tap on any index/stock and click on "Add section above."
2. Secgregate the stocks/indices based on where they belong.

Kinda like how I did in the picture below.
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