Delhi court starts hearing MJ Akbar's defamation case against Priya Ramani.

Sr. Adv. Rebecca John begins submissions for Ramani.

John refers to case documents: The whole of Priya Ramani's case was put up before the witness.

#MeToo #metooindia @mjakbar
John: I was under an obligation to tell the witness what my defence was, have fulfilled that obligation.

Continues showing case documents.
John refers to an article by Ramani in 2017 where noone was named, however, in 2018 when she tweeted, this article was referred to/attached in the tweet.

John: Only the first four paras of the article referred to Akbar, rest of the article was about male bosses in general.
John refers to the article in @voguemagazine
John admits that even though Akbar wasn't named in the article, the first 4 paras referred to him.

#MeToo @mjakbar
John refutes Akbar's submission that the whole article was about him.

John: This is self-evident. The portions of the article in inverted commas are from articles written in America by American authors, which is why they are in inverted commas. They've nothing to do with Akbar.
John: This was an unwanted controversy. When we read Ramani's statement, this will become clearer.
John refers to experiences shared by Saba Naqvi, Harinder Baweja, Anju Bharti, Suparna Sharma, in response to Ramani's tweet.
John: In one of the experiences shared, the lady in question had talked about how she was called to a hotel room by Akbar for an interview.

Judge: Has he made complaints against others also?

John: No, he has only picked out Ramani, and he admits he was aware of others also.
John presses that the FirstPost article was infact put forth by Akbar and not Ramani before the court. She argues that it's an established principle of law that if the prosecution places a document on record, the defence can very well rely on it.
John reads out a judgment from the Delhi High Court to establish the above argument.
Akbar has stated that he shared a consensual relationship with Pallavi Gogoi 23 years back which ended on a bitter note.

His wife, on the other hand stated that, Pallavi's flaunting the relationship publicly threatened to destroy their family- which he admitted.
John: My purpose of reading these out, is showing that this is opposed to his claim of having a 'sterling reputation'. Is this the record of a man with a "sterling reputation"?

#MeToo #MJAkbar #PriyaRamani
John: Irrespective of the nature of his relationship, and I am noone to comment on it, Mr. Akbar has admitted that he was in a relationship with a woman who was 20 years his junior and his subordinate at the workplace, at the time he was married.

#MJAkbar #MeToo
John: This is not the conduct of a man with a sterling reputation. Through my cross examination, I tried to establish my truth, my story. I have established, through his own documents, that reputation which is an ingredient of S.499 IPC - he didn't enjoy a sterling reputation.
John: He didn't even remember that the Delhi High Court convicted him for contempt, it seems there is no onus on him to be truthful. He is a politician now, but was a journalist earlier. Where is the onus of truth?
Court takes a 5-minute break.
Hearing resumes.

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One of the judges this story mentions is William Cassidy, who was promoted from an Atlanta IJ position to a BIA member position in 2019 by the Trump DOJ. Cassidy has an awful history that has been well-documented, but I'm still enraged reading this reporting.

The story notes that the EOIR Director served as an ICE attorney in Atlanta and practiced before Cassidy for years. And it points to FOIA records unearthed by Bryan Johnson showing they remain friendly.

A trove of complaints against Cassidy was published by AILA in 2019 after FOIA litigation. They generally show misconduct, substantiated in the record, followed by "written counseling" etc.

One way Cassidy could avoid discipline is by turning off the recording device during the hearing. If he made a lewd or offensive comment off the record, all the EOIR would do is listen to the recording. If it's not there, the complaint is "unsubstantiated"

In that case, Cassidy joked about a detained immigrant saying he missed his wife. The complaint was dismissed because the ACIJ found "no levity or joking" in the comment.
A Call for Help!
1. we have a petition/open letter for the WHO
2. 372 people signed it but we want to boost it
3. I post link ascomment on related YT videos
Tks @KevinMcH3 for the tip
4. You can help by liking the comments
5. That will increase visibility!

6. Links for YT videos with comments are here
1. China curtails hunt for virus origins
2. China: nearly 500,000 may have been infected in Wuhan
3. WHO becomes US-China battleground | DW Documentary

4. Gravitas: The 'hidden hunt' for COVID-19 origins
5. Seeking the invisible: hunt for origins of deadly Covid-19 coronavirus will take scientists to Wuhan
6. WHO team to probe COVID-19 origins in

7. How forensic researchers track down origins of SARS-CoV2
8. Bats, roadblocks & the origins of coronavirus - BBC
9. New coronavirus strain is far more infectious and spreading among young - BBC

Hot take: Courts might be able to review the legality of this impeachment, even under current political-question doctrine. Here’s why and how the issue might arise:

Suppose Senate convicts and disqualifies Trump from ever holding federal office. Trump files paperwork to run anyway, but state officials deny his application, citing his Senate impeachment judgment. Trump sues, arguing that the judgment is void.

Normally a legal dispute about a prospective candidates eligibility to run would certainly present a justiciable case or controversy. But are courts bound to accept the Senate impeachment judgment as valid? Maybe not. Here’s why:

According to Article I, “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.” This is a small amount of judicial power vested in Congress. When trying impeachments, the Senate sits as a court.

The Senate’s judicial power includes the power to decide relevant legal questions that arise, such as what procedures are sufficient to constitute a “trial” w/in the Constitution’s meaning. Such legal determinations are conclusive, as SCOTUS held in Nixon v. United States (1993).

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A THREAD ON @SarangSood

Decoded his way of analysis/logics for everyone to easily understand.

Have covered:
1. Analysis of volatility, how to foresee/signs.
2. Workbook
3. When to sell options
4. Diff category of days
5. How movement of option prices tell us what will happen

1. Keeps following volatility super closely.

Makes 7-8 different strategies to give him a sense of what's going on.

Whichever gives highest profit he trades in.

2. Theta falls when market moves.
Falls where market is headed towards not on our original position.

3. If you're an options seller then sell only when volatility is dropping, there is a high probability of you making the right trade and getting profit as a result

He believes in a market operator, if market mover sells volatility Sarang Sir joins him.

4. Theta decay vs Fall in vega

Sell when Vega is falling rather than for theta decay. You won't be trapped and higher probability of making profit.