Lot of DMs on when to sell. Read the below thread and bookmark it.

It will answer all your questions on when, why and how to sell 👇🏼

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Asset Allocation doesn't have one clear answer and shouldn't depend on stage of the market.

It depends on your

- Risk Appetite
- Goals
- Psychology
- Age
- Responsibilities

1/n https://t.co/aJjy4N90J9

Someone who is

Right out of College
Doesn't Need Money for Next 10 years
Doesn't Have any Dependents

should be allocated more towards Equities than someone who is

Heading for Retirement
Needs Consistent Income
Has Many Dependents


Your psychology also has the biggest impact. Are you someone who gets afraid and loses sleep over 5 to 10% drawdowns and wants to book profits as soon as an investment gains in value

or Are you someone who can sit peacefully and do not let the daily movement of market impact you

Also allocate based on Goals.

(Extract taken from my Personal Finance Course, Releasing on SkillShare on Sunday, link to sign up for a Free access below)


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