1. There are exceptions to every rule, but I don't think even those who hate Rahul Gandhi or the dynasty react so viscerally to them as those who hate Modi, especially the Lutyens cabal, only because Modi treats most of them like they don't exist. The Lutyens ecosystem is rattled

2. since Modi arrived because it has failed to housetrain him like they had done with so many others including ABV & LKA. In 6 years they've tried first to change him and then to destroy him. But he's still here and that should tell them Modi is like no one they've seen before.
3. Every attempt to destabilize Modi has failed. Starting from award wapsi soon after he took over, letters by retired babus, the continuous refrain about "unsafe India" , the engineered protests, riots after CAA-NRC, getting lobbies from abroad to give their one cent's worth,
4. the attempts by sections of the media to link every murder, lynching, rape, assault and 'love jihad' to him, and now the farm protests, like he was some kind of Darth Vader/Hitler/Devil combo who ran an evil empire. It has failed each time, and has made Modi even stronger.
5. Sure, Modi's governance model is not without its warts. But which govt in independent India has been flawless? Sure, there are undesirables in this govt just as there were in previous ones. But all of them were voted to power by the people. That's Indian democracy. Who do we
6. blame for that where should we begin? And tell me, honestly, when didn't we have communal riots, lynchings and caste-related killings? They've just been repackaged and renamed to suit a paricular narrative. When didn't two communities confront each other over beef or pork
7. and when did politicians not fan the flames? Also, we can bitch about it, but most bills being passed in LS & RS are those that previous govts introduced, but sidelined as they knew who it would hurt. Modi tweaked it and hit the oppn where it hurts the most and where they
8. least expected. Unlike the early days, during Congress rule when political doublespeak was quietly brushed under and forgotten, in these days of social media it is political harakiri as the Congress and other parties have learnt the minute the began to oppose the same bills
9. they once promoted as their contribution to the country. So will removing Modi change anything? I think that ship has sailed. Even if he goes, there are others to follow. And then there's every Indian liberal's worst nightmare -- Yogi Adityanath -- waiting in the wings. The
10. Right has won two polls back-to-back and moving towards a third. Ranged against them, apart from the unelectables, septuagenarians and octogenarians is a man who thinks mouthing inanities and vanishing for holidays is the way to take on a party with a formidable worker base.
11. To use a Shastri analogy, for Modi to lose from here, three things must happen.
1) Modi & BJP have to do something really dumb before 2024, that ends up in the party losing its voter base.
2) The geriatrics in the oppn start getting younger.
3) Rahul turns over a new leaf.

More from India

Reporters, pundits, activists. Before you echo the notion that Palestinians are being "corralled into small, crowded enclaves", which is in vogue in some circles, here are some facts that you won't find in @btselem's new position paper. Read and decide for yourself.


Starting with the West Bank, specifically Area C from which allegedly Palestinians are being systematically pushed into the enclaves of Areas A and B, and replaced by Jewish settlers. If so, we should've seen the demographic balance in Area C shift in the Jews' favor. Has it? /2

Well, there's no evidence for that, certainly none in the paper. Latest UN estimate is ~ 300k Palestinians in Area C in 2013, probably >3 times their number in 1995 when the area was delineated. Jewish population growth in the same area & period was slower or similar at 2.6%./3

While good population stats for Area C are unavailable, there are construction surveys based on aerial photos. Do they support Btselem's claim? Quite the contrary. At least one shows that in recent yrs the total Palestinian residential area expanded more than the Jewish one./4

The same analysis by @RegavimIsrael found that the number of Palestinian structures in Area C increased by 28,600 during 2009-2019, nearly doubling in one decade, far more than the 18,600 built in Jewish settlements in that period, according to official statistics. /5

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Хајде да направимо мали осврт на случај Мика Алексић .

Алексић је жртва енглеске освете преко Оливере Иванчић .
Мика је одбио да снима филм о блаћењу Срба и мењању историје Срба , иза целокупног пројекта стоји дипломатски кор Британаца у Београду и Оливера Иванчић

Оливера Илинчић је иначе мајка једне од његових ученица .
Која је претила да ће се осветити .

Мика се налази у притвору због наводних оптужби глумице Милене Радуловић да ју је наводно силовао човек од 70 година , са три бајпаса и извађеном простатом пре пет година

Иста персона је и обезбедила финансије за филм преко Беча а филм је требао да се бави животом Десанке Максимовић .
А сетите се и ко је иницирао да се Десанка Максимовић избаци из уџбеника и школства у Србији .

И тако уместо романсиране верзије Десанке Максимовић утицај Британаца

У Србији стави на пиједестал и да се Британци у Србији позитивно афирмишу како би се на тај начин усмерила будућност али и мењао ток историје .
Зато Мика са гнушањем и поносно одбија да снима такав филм тада и почиње хајка и претње која потиче из британских дипломатских кругова

Најгоре од свега што је то Мика Алексић изговорио у присуству високих дипломатских представника , а одговор је био да се све неће на томе завршити и да ће га то скупо коштати .
Нашта им је Мика рекао да је он свој живот проживео и да могу да му раде шта хоће и силно их извређао