Sharing one incident... After Modi's Trichy youth conference, the very next morning when police were clearing up their mini-control room, they found 5 strange boys who were roaming there with bags. When police enquired them "Sir, we are from Subramaniapuram in Trichy.
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On Feb 25, 2021 we published an analysis of the draft IT Rules, 2021. Alongside the analysis is a rundown of the contentious history of the Rules and the need for starting afresh on this vital conversation about platform accountability. Thread
\U0001f6a8 Breaking: We are releasing a copy of the Draft IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, which seek to change the face of how digital media is governed in India.
— Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) (@internetfreedom) February 25, 2021
Read our thread and analysis of the biggest concerns.
On Feb 25, 2021, the IT Rules, 2021 came into force. On Feb 27, 2021, we shared with you our comprehensive deep-dive into the Rules - an overview of its contents, the “safeguards” it seeks to establish, and how they affect your fundamental rights.
It's done: The IT Rules, 2021, are officially in play. We cannot stress this enough - this fundamentally changes the Indian internet. Please RT this thread on the Rules and how they bring government control over digital media like never before.
— Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) (@internetfreedom) February 27, 2021
We're also talking directly to young people and making sure that they are empowered with knowledge about their digital rights w.r.t. the IT Rules, 2021. Watch our video explaining the background of the Rules and the crux of the matter in 5
Currently, public analysis including our own provides a broad overview of concerns. Since new IT Rules are here to stay, we're also providing you with segmented explainers. Our simple video on how the new Rules will affect digital news
How do the IT Rules, 2021 affect digital news media?
— Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) (@internetfreedom) March 3, 2021
Our video explains the 4 biggest implications in 5 minutes - simply and directly. Everyone and specially journalists, please RT and share this critical info on social media, WA, Signal!
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Mr. Patrick, one of the chief scientists at the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., held five classified US patents for the process of weaponizing anthrax.
Under Mr. Patrick’s direction, scientists at Fort Detrick developed a tularemia agent that, if disseminated by airplane, could cause casualties & sickness over 1000s mi². In a 10,000 mi² range, it had 90% casualty rate & 50% fatality rate
3/x His team explored Q fever, plague, & Venezuelan equine encephalitis, testing more than 20 anthrax strains to discern most lethal variety. Fort Detrick scientists used aerosol spray systems inside fountain pens, walking sticks, light bulbs, & even in 1953 Mercury exhaust pipes
4/x After retiring in 1986, Mr. Patrick remained one of the world’s foremost specialists on biological warfare & was a consultant to the CIA, FBI, & US military. He debriefed Soviet defector Ken Alibek, the deputy chief of the Soviet biowarfare program
5/x Back in Time
In 1949 the Army created a small team of chemists at "Camp Detrick" called Special Operations Division. Its assignment was to find military uses for toxic bacteria. The coercive use of toxins was a new field, which fascinated Allen Dulles, later head of the CIA