These are the boats my grandfathers built by hand. There was no room for by catch. If a cod or haddock were out of season we threw it back. We had to. We worked for Jersey Fishing who paid us in tokens. We were slaves to them. The tokens were used for company store.
My grandfather Laurent ran the store that ran on credit. He didn't know numbers. We were forbidden reading and writing. He scrawled debt on the wall of the storage room to keep track. Paper and books forbidden to us by Canada's soldiers who raided our homes and business.
This report confirms our line to King Clovis. We all remembered who we were and Canada's efforts to extinguish us continue to this day.
His wife Philomene Landry had a cousin who was wife to the Jersey Company owner. The rich men married Indigenous women to evade Provincial tax and marry in. She was Mi'kmaw. In my line all my grandparents were of the same families for generations.
The Ancient Order Freemasons of King Solomon Lodge 54 deported us. They planned it all. Read in their own words right here.
Queen Elizabeth II apologized to the Acadians here. Legal merits in Warren Perrin vs. the Crown. He sued her to get this not for money but simply to admit the truth.
Canada still doesn't admit it was a genocide. They would have to explain who did it. We need to get there. Don't bury the truth please. Stop hiding history in the name of loyalty. Your denying your own Crown.
Laws like this cannot continue to censor truth to history. We need to move forward lawfully. I am who I am by circumstance of birth bound to laws no Government can undo. Let peace prevail please. Equal human rights and compliance to law is what we need.
Peace with the earth and with each other is what we need. Equity is needed in Canada.
The racism, sexism and wars of religion are rooted in policy.
We need Canada to listen to the people.
@threadreaderapp unroll
My kin were deemed the bottom that feeds the top in Canada.
I am an Acadien of Caraquet. View 52 minutes into the film. The Orange Order, KKK kept us down. Confederate and German Mercinaries too.
As a Roman Catholic I strive for peace against all odds but knowing we Acadians survived I know in my heart the odds are pretty good when love and truth is on your side. If we all work to improve the system together, there is no need for odds at all. Let's fix this together.
These wampums have our history in them.
This is a law still in the books in Canada.
Although they don't scalp people today, the message and example it gives to disregard our people still hurts people.

More from Louisette Lanteigne 🌎✌️⚖️♥️

Heads up. @INTERPOL_HQ @FBI @anticorruption @UNDPGAIN @AntiCorruptIntl @OCCRP @cafreeland @KingSalman @JoeBiden @JustinTrudeau @HRWcanada @TaxJusticeNet @FairTaxCanada @GA4TJ @antonioguterres @UNODC

The world's richest man, Bezos currently has a net worth of $187.5B — more than a third of which was earned between April and September of

Canada's covid wage subsidiary released in April 2020 worth 71 billion.

The Bank of China (BOC), SNC-Lavalin and WE Charity were recipients of taxpayer-funded the Covid 19 Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

Canada has given over 100 contracts to SNC Lavalin since Covid in spite of their continued roll in Operation Carwash corruption scandals in Brazil.

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First update to since the challenge ended – Medium links!! Go add your Medium profile now 👀📝 (thanks @diannamallen for the suggestion 😁)

Just added Telegram links to too! Now you can provide a nice easy way for people to message you :)

Less than 1 hour since I started adding stuff to again, and profile pages are now responsive!!! 🥳 Check it out ->

Accounts page is now also responsive!! 📱✨

💪 I managed to make the whole site responsive in about an hour. On my roadmap I had it down as 4-5 hours!!! 🤘🤠🤘