This was exactly what I was about to write a thread warning about.

A change in leadership in the US at the executive level does not alter the Republican Senators and Congress representatives. A few of whom are implicated in January 6, 2020 insurrection.

There will be a strong urge to forget the danger and the corruption.

After a long period of extended fear, terror and daily assaults on political and social norms, many will want to forget and move forward.

But we cannot take our eyes off those out to dismantle democracy.
Those breathing a sigh of relief, tomorrow this all resumes again in the US. It’s only temporarily paused in the US and correspondingly in Canada.

The urge to move on is strong. Resist it. Celebrate victories and achievements, but DO NOT walk away and forget.
Canadian conservative politicians are tightly connected to many of the Republican traitors who attacked the Capitol Jan 6.

None of them are going to give up. They’ll regroup. They’ll reorganize.

In the mean time, we are all required to stay alert. There is much to do.
The far right has let their agenda be known. They want to end democracy in US and in Canada. That goal is not off the table.

They will continue to pursue this agenda.

Yesterday 12 National Guard members were removed from service.
Threat is still high. That includes Canada. Where the vast majority of the electorate is still convinced it couldn’t happen here. It already has. Ford and Kenney are part of the far right cabal. Now, Pallister and Legault are willing accomplices.
It’s incredibly irresponsible for Liberal leaders with large platforms to give indication all is well.

All is NOT well. We are still required to fight for democracy. The US barely survived. Only by luck and incompetence did January 6, 2021 fail.
The next attempt won’t be so sloppy and disorganized. The first try was a test run. Biden will have significant issues with domestic terrorists. They haven’t disbanded, only regrouping.
I do not enjoy being the bearer of bad news. The effect this nonsense has had on my life, my family and ultimately my health is not welcome or enjoyable. Nothing would make me happier than to fade into obscurity and resume being a full time mom and give up the keyboard.
The stress is finally getting to me. The last few months have been brutal.

But the war isn’t over. Just a significant battle. The tides have turned. And hope can be cherished again. But one very large battle win is not the end.
So enjoy the celebrations. Tomorrow it’s back to work. There is a hell of a lot on our battle field yet to attend to.

KXL is the least of Alberta’s worries. We still have covid, climate change and coal excavation in Alberta to address, & a premier who has impunity.
Nationally, we have a Mainstream Media still in service to post truth, the growing threat of Chinese colonialism & imperialism, conservative politicians working overtime to “I never knew him that well” their way out of complicity, & much dark money flooding the political milieux.
It’s not over. This is the end of the beginning. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Rest, celebrate, breathe like you haven’t been able to in 5 years.

And get ready for more battles.
Here’s one planned for February already.
And more state side.

More from Sunshiny

This is one of the most important threads I’ve read in the last year. Maybe more.

@PaulDoroshenko hits the ball out of the park!

This is exactly what we need to do.

And remember, Harper stacked public service with loyalists. RCMP, judiciary, senate, government departments.

We need Denazification in Canada too!

There can be no tolerance for intolerance.

Many are opining about free speech. In Canada we have freedom of expression and it comes with some caveats. Harmful hate speech is not free.

We have been inundated with hate speech for decades.

It must stop. We must remove the fascists from power and eradicate the platforms they use to build support.

I’ve taught both my children by age 9 what fascism is and what it looks like. I can be done.

School based education is a must to nullify hatred.

But what about the adults? First we remove the ability to indoctrinate through the internet. Mainstream media needs to be purged of nazi sympathizers. And the internet needs regulation. Because some people cannot be trusted to refrain from hate speech.

You got a problem with restrictions on speech, take a look at the US where any form of speech is free. Lying, disinformation, promotion of hatred and psychological manipulation propaganda. And the result is January 6, 2021 attempted “patriot” insurrection.
As we wait for the transition of power from despot to democrat, Facebook (Zuckerberg) has taken it upon itself to aid in the obstruction of that power transfer, facilitation of an insurrection narrative and disregard for the will of the American electorate.

In other words, the Social Media monopoly Facebook commands globally has gone full fascist in an attempt to preserve the corrupt and criminal hold on power by Republicans and Trump Administration.

Aiding and abetting a coup d’état.

As if there weren’t enough other reasons to dismantle Facebook’s monopoly, Zuckerberg is playing his cards and revealing clearly that Cambridge Analytica election interference was not just a onetime anomaly, but is now a feature of Facebook’s business model.

Megalomaniac Marc has now revealed the true colours of Fascist Facebook.

Facebook is a weapon to manipulate the masses. A tool to carry out disinformation campaigns with impunity.

And the response of the left... is to delete their Facebook account.

As if the deletion of a Facebook account will do anything. It might send a message that your virtues are principled, your morality superior. But it enables the weapon to be continued to gaslight and manipulate the electorate.

An inherent flaw in the left’s critical thinking.

Seems conservatives have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

How does it feel to the average Albertan to be considered second class? Apparently UCP, CPC and other conservatives across Canada are exempt from COVID public health orders.

I wonder if that means anti maskers are first class citizens? What about church pastors and parishioners? Are they first class status too?

But teachers, physicians, police, first responders, grocery workers, and every other Albertan is considered second class.

We don’t get exemptions to avoid public health orders.

What kind of government flouts law and order?

This is not explained by the confused and poorly informed “freedom” focussed Q’Anon and the fanatical Evangelical Christian’s who evidently can’t manage to worship at home.

These are fully informed political aids and politicians. Refusing to be limited by public health orders.

More from Government

How does a government put a legislation on 'hold'? Is there any constitutional mechanism for the executive to 'pause' a validly passed legislation? Genuine Koshan.

So a committee of 'wise men/women' selected by the SC will stand in judgement over the law passed by

Here is the thing - a law can be stayed based on usual methods, it can be held unconstitutional based on violation of the Constitution. There is no shortcut to this based on the say so of even a large number of people, merely because they are loud.

Tomorrow can all the income tax payers also gather up at whichever maidan and ask for repealing the income tax law? It hurts us and we can protest quite loudly.

How can a law be stayed or over-turned based on the nuisance value of the protestors? It is anarchy to allow that.

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