Dr. Fauci is a renowned expert.

Here he communicates why the vaccination of as many people as possible as quickly is possible is required.

This completely debunks the conservatives rationale that lives

I’ll explain in more detail.

We now have two deadlier and more contagious variants of Covid circulating across the globe. The vaccines developed are less than 95% effective. It’s more like 50%, maybe less.

Some believe it’s hardly worth the effort to achieve 50% efficacy.
This is untrue. Viruses mutate quickly and effectively when transmitted from person to person. Becoming infected allows the virus to mutate. Eliminate transmission or widespread infection, and the virus’s ability to mutate into deadlier forms is eliminated.
While the vaccine may not prevent infection, it will boost human immunity that transmission is more difficult. Reduced amounts of covid transmission means less opportunity for the virus to mutate.

That’s how everything works.
The same applies to toddlers and teenagers. (No they aren’t viruses, this is an analogy).

The busier toddlers and teenagers are, the less likely they are to get into trouble. Which is why a good parent keeps their toddlers and teenagers active and engaged in supervised activity.
Same applies to viruses. Left to spread uncontrollably, they will mutate and get worse every mutation. The goal of the virus is to adapt to the roadblocks to replication.

Enough roadblocks and transmission becomes difficult. It can only mutate when it infects a new host.
Even at 50% efficacy rate of vaccines, mutations are drastically reduced. Less opportunity, less mutations. Which is why you still need to wear a mask after vaccination. You may be the unlucky 50% that still contracts the disease.
There are two ways to address the spread of viruses: quarantine and herd immunity through vaccination. That it. That’s all modern science provides us a an option.

Conservatives have completely wiped out the global efforts at containment made by us all in Spring 2020.
They relaxed lockdown far too quickly and allowed a second wave to get established in the populations they govern. Supposedly to save the economy.

They used covid as a weapon to keep people isolated but still highly infected.
The globally supported conservative (far right) decision exacerbated covid transmission. Only in high transmission environments does a virus have opportunity to mutate into a more efficient (deadly, contagious) variant.

The far right gave the virus perfect conditions to mutate.
And they continue to do so. Yoyoing back and forth between partial lockdowns and unrestricted transmission. This is what caused the mutations to occur. And increased the death and illness toll needlessly to “save” the economy. Whether through ignorance or malice is irrelevant.
But it’s certainly malice motivating these decisions now.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the two options available for pandemics were clearly identified to reduce the death toll, mitigate illness, stop hospitals from being overwhelmed, and minimize the economic damage.
We knew it as flatten the curve. Plank it! Stay home.

But politicians like Jason Kenney have modified those objectives. Kenney regularly says bend the curve. And as soon as it is bent a little, he eases up on restrictions. Which allows the curve to grow exponentially again.
This has occurred three times in Alberta, more elsewhere across the globe.

Those decisions created the current mutations in UK, South Africa and Brazil. All of whom were attempting natural herd immunity. Uncontrolled transmission.
Perfect breeding grounds for mutations to occur, which they did and we are now faced with a deadlier more contagious assortment of variants.

Any epidemiologist can identify the best option is to attempt zero transmission.

Any epidemiologist or virologist.
So politicians have the information and always did have the information. Since the beginning of the pandemic.

They may have balked at the impact the pandemic would cause, but 11 months in and millions of infections and deaths later, that information has proven very accurate.
There are no more excuses for politicians to keep partial measures in place. We have several vaccines that are available. We just need the time to produce and deliver those vaccines to people.

Yet many conservatives like Kenney continue to lift restrictions.
This will spread the virus more throughout the community. It will allow the new variants to gain traction and replace the original virus variant. And it will kill many more people and sicken many others, some with lifelong complications.
At this point, it’s deliberate, not ignorance. Politicians who relax covid restrictions now are deliberately putting lives at risk. Willful ignorance & evil intent are opposite sides of the same coin. The outcome is the same, no matter what side the coin toss lands.
Our provincial governments are willfully allowing covid to spread widely and permitting the opportunity for three deadlier variants to spread or a new one to emerge here. All while slow walking vaccination efforts. And then blaming the federal government.
Citizens are left with few alternatives. Stay home if you can. Take extra precautions, if you can’t.

We can accept the decisions of UCP or we can openly dissent against them.

Personally, I opt for the latter.


Immediately! Because they are literally killing us.
And the moment vaccines are available to you, get yourself vaccinated. It protects you and everyone else from uncontrolled mutations.
@threadreaderapp please compile

More from Sunshiny

This was exactly what I was about to write a thread warning about.

A change in leadership in the US at the executive level does not alter the Republican Senators and Congress representatives. A few of whom are implicated in January 6, 2020 insurrection.

There will be a strong urge to forget the danger and the corruption.

After a long period of extended fear, terror and daily assaults on political and social norms, many will want to forget and move forward.

But we cannot take our eyes off those out to dismantle democracy.

Those breathing a sigh of relief, tomorrow this all resumes again in the US. It’s only temporarily paused in the US and correspondingly in Canada.

The urge to move on is strong. Resist it. Celebrate victories and achievements, but DO NOT walk away and forget.

Canadian conservative politicians are tightly connected to many of the Republican traitors who attacked the Capitol Jan 6.

None of them are going to give up. They’ll regroup. They’ll reorganize.

In the mean time, we are all required to stay alert. There is much to do.

The far right has let their agenda be known. They want to end democracy in US and in Canada. That goal is not off the table.

They will continue to pursue this agenda.

Yesterday 12 National Guard members were removed from service.
This is one of the most important threads I’ve read in the last year. Maybe more.

@PaulDoroshenko hits the ball out of the park!

This is exactly what we need to do.

And remember, Harper stacked public service with loyalists. RCMP, judiciary, senate, government departments.

We need Denazification in Canada too!

There can be no tolerance for intolerance.

Many are opining about free speech. In Canada we have freedom of expression and it comes with some caveats. Harmful hate speech is not free.

We have been inundated with hate speech for decades.

It must stop. We must remove the fascists from power and eradicate the platforms they use to build support.

I’ve taught both my children by age 9 what fascism is and what it looks like. I can be done.

School based education is a must to nullify hatred.

But what about the adults? First we remove the ability to indoctrinate through the internet. Mainstream media needs to be purged of nazi sympathizers. And the internet needs regulation. Because some people cannot be trusted to refrain from hate speech.

You got a problem with restrictions on speech, take a look at the US where any form of speech is free. Lying, disinformation, promotion of hatred and psychological manipulation propaganda. And the result is January 6, 2021 attempted “patriot” insurrection.
A lot of people are trying to figure out what UCP means by putting this biblical quote out into the twitter verse at Christmas.

Many have piped up with commentary and criticized the mix of religion and politics. A convention long held in Canada.

The quote is often repeated at Christmas. “A child is born...” makes reference to the birth of Jesus. Makes sense.

But what does it mean?

Christians (and other religious observers with their religious texts) have made an art form out of interpreting what passages mean.

To those most radically devout (some might say zealously faithful), hidden divine meanings are gleaned from “correctly” reading the bible.

That’s what Dominionists believe. That god himself wrote the bible. Through inspiration of the actual authors, & only they can interpret.

And thus, the “inerrant“ bible serves as a strict road map to save ones soul.

Many devout Christians view the passage as a prophecy made centuries before the birth of Christ. A promise made by god through one of his prophets. Jews interpret the passage very differently.

The Anglican Priest is (obviously) correct about this being supersessionism, and a form of Anti-Semitism.

Troublesome as it is for a Canadian provincial govt to be tweeting out Anti-Semitic propaganda, that’s not the only meaning this passage has for Dominionist Christians.
As we wait for the transition of power from despot to democrat, Facebook (Zuckerberg) has taken it upon itself to aid in the obstruction of that power transfer, facilitation of an insurrection narrative and disregard for the will of the American electorate.

In other words, the Social Media monopoly Facebook commands globally has gone full fascist in an attempt to preserve the corrupt and criminal hold on power by Republicans and Trump Administration.

Aiding and abetting a coup d’état.

As if there weren’t enough other reasons to dismantle Facebook’s monopoly, Zuckerberg is playing his cards and revealing clearly that Cambridge Analytica election interference was not just a onetime anomaly, but is now a feature of Facebook’s business model.

Megalomaniac Marc has now revealed the true colours of Fascist Facebook.

Facebook is a weapon to manipulate the masses. A tool to carry out disinformation campaigns with impunity.

And the response of the left... is to delete their Facebook account.

As if the deletion of a Facebook account will do anything. It might send a message that your virtues are principled, your morality superior. But it enables the weapon to be continued to gaslight and manipulate the electorate.

An inherent flaw in the left’s critical thinking.

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