ENTITLEMENT. https://t.co/PmdZEUd3us

Seems conservatives have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

How does it feel to the average Albertan to be considered second class? Apparently UCP, CPC and other conservatives across Canada are exempt from COVID public health orders.
I wonder if that means anti maskers are first class citizens? What about church pastors and parishioners? Are they first class status too?

But teachers, physicians, police, first responders, grocery workers, and every other Albertan is considered second class.
We don’t get exemptions to avoid public health orders.

What kind of government flouts law and order?
This is not explained by the confused and poorly informed “freedom” focussed Q’Anon and the fanatical Evangelical Christian’s who evidently can’t manage to worship at home.

These are fully informed political aids and politicians. Refusing to be limited by public health orders.
It’s their job to understand the public health orders made by the CMOH. Then communicate those orders on behalf of the provincial premier.

Don’t people need special permission to take vacation flights? They do. From the Premier or their minister.
While it’s stunning that the UCP have crossed a boundary of trust, what I find stunning is the absence of rage at this revelation.

Here is a more recent list of the number of people that travelled recently.

I got this from @Norlaine
New list:
-Michael Florian
-Eliza Snider
-Matt Wolf
-Nathan Neudorf (although his spin is he has "remained home" (in Canada?)
-Tracy Allard
-Pat Rehn
-Jamie Huckabay
-Jeremy Nixon
- Tanya Fir
So, we're up to 9.
That’s 9 people who completely ignored the covid public health orders made by Kenney and which were reinforced with a federal ban on non-essential travel.

And people on are moderately annoyed at best?!?
This government is killing people with a lackadaisical casual approach to public health. Our healthcare infrastructure is about to collapse. And all people can muster is stern annoyance?

WTF ALBERTA?!? It’s time to get mad and seek justice. This is injustice.
It means many have normalized UCP corruption and are experiencing learned helplessness.

Learned helplessness is when you’re resigned to accept a government that kills with policy and also has the arrogance and hubris to absolve themselves from the orders they decree.
It means you’re telling that government it’s okay to abuse you because you have given up and are adapting to the abuse.

That’s what voter apathy is. And it’s caused by the consolidation of power like this display of utter contempt for the population of Alberta.
This is an egregious demonstration of intolerable contempt for the citizens of Alberta.

This information should be inducing rage, not moderate annoyance.
We should be picking up pitchforks and torches, not verbally castigating the worst offenders and grumbling about being ruled for the next 2 + years by people who obviously have no regard for people whom they dominate and for whom they control the levers of life and death.
This is intolerable. Citizens cannot be expected to accept the feigned apologies, with the theatrics of tears included, in the face of such utter scorn for the people of this province.
We are the problem if we allow this to go unchallenged and genuflect to the establishment of a higher class of citizen that neither is obliged to follow the rules they order nor protect the citizens they’ve deemed second class, of whom they been entrusted to govern.
If you understand anything about power dynamics, this is called consolidation of power. Completely absolved of following the rules, and given a pass for endangering the lives of the citizens they are supposed to be protecting.
If we allow this to be okay, we are giving tacit approval for Kenney to establish totalitarian autocracy.

This is the type of power as citizens that our Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives us the ability to loudly and peacefully object and force to resign.
If we don’t do that now, we may as well shut down any further discussion and study ways of coping with a dictator and becoming second or even third class citizens.

This is a 3 alarm warning ⚠️ 🚨🚨🚨

It’s time to get vocal.
We cannot do this by protesting in the streets. But we can protest by making phone calls, writing letters and demanding UCP resign.

Clearly Kenney considers himself above reproach. It’s up to us to remind him that’s BS. He and his party must resign.
We would be no worse off with vacant seats in the legislature. Absent because they are vacationing or absent because we fired them is no different.

There will be no fascist totalitarian consolidation of power in Alberta.

More from Sunshiny AKA Cassandra

Still believe Calgary protests are peaceful?

Not so much!

Not since Calgary police began enforcing the public health edict for masks and for gatherings.

Pair this violent Calgary protest with this opinion piece.

Is it any wonder that “liberty” ideologues are rebelling against Public Health Measures after the premier gave them every indication their freedom was superior to everyone else’s right to

We have evidence that Kenney is instigating STOCHASTIC TERRORISM.

This is what Trump is currently using to effect a coup in the US.

Maybe a journalist can ask Kenney why he stoked the ire of far right immediately prior to ordering a lockdown?


As Albertans, we are unfamiliar with the tactics used by fascists. Albertans are naive to subterfuge and sedition.

Stochastic terrorism is common in eastern European nations. Russia & Al Qaida use these tactics all the time, but with much more regularity, brutality & deaths.

Here’s an article from 2011. Spelling out the process of creating a “missile” or “lone wolf” by appealing to those individuals who are mentally unstable. Experts have known how stochastic terrorism works for well over a decade.

This was exactly what I was about to write a thread warning about.

A change in leadership in the US at the executive level does not alter the Republican Senators and Congress representatives. A few of whom are implicated in January 6, 2020 insurrection.

There will be a strong urge to forget the danger and the corruption.

After a long period of extended fear, terror and daily assaults on political and social norms, many will want to forget and move forward.

But we cannot take our eyes off those out to dismantle democracy.

Those breathing a sigh of relief, tomorrow this all resumes again in the US. It’s only temporarily paused in the US and correspondingly in Canada.

The urge to move on is strong. Resist it. Celebrate victories and achievements, but DO NOT walk away and forget.

Canadian conservative politicians are tightly connected to many of the Republican traitors who attacked the Capitol Jan 6.

None of them are going to give up. They’ll regroup. They’ll reorganize.

In the mean time, we are all required to stay alert. There is much to do.

The far right has let their agenda be known. They want to end democracy in US and in Canada. That goal is not off the table.

They will continue to pursue this agenda.

Yesterday 12 National Guard members were removed from service.

More from For later read

@snip96581187 @Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen Clearly, because as I have been saying for 8 months now, DTRA and DARPA have been using Ecohealth and UC Davis to collect novel pathogens for gain of function work back in the USA. I have documented this in many threads which I will post here just to annoy everyone.

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

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