Based on the latest info I could find, here's why what happened on Jan. 6th was worse than we thought.

It was coordinated. This was not merely a crowd of protestors accidentally incited to storm the Capitol by the intemperance of the President & other speakers at the rally.

Security experts are combing through the online chatter leading up to the rally and have found extremist groups planning violence. People came w/ malice aforethought, thus armored insurrectionists pushing to the front of the crowd, pipe bombs, & so on.
But it gets worse. The feds seem to be investigating several Republican members of Congress for connections to the organizers of the rally. (The FBI has warned lawmakers in closed door hearings that they may be shocked with what comes out.)
Indeed, at least one member of Congress, Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) alleges that these GOP members gave some of the insurrectionists tours of the Capitol building on January 5th, the day before.
The implication is that these GOP congressmen used the walkthroughs to familiarize the insurrectionists with the building layout so that they could push into the building and confront their colleagues who were opposed to overturning the electoral ballot count.
Remember, Trump specifically told the protestors to march on the Capitol to "cheer on our brave senators," but then saying that they are "probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you'll never take back our country with weakness."
"You have to show strength, and you have to be strong." He does mention that they should "peacefully and patriotically" confront Congress once, but also throws out a number of inflammatory metaphors like ending the "assault" and "siege," "fighting" and so on.
It is all but certain that Trump coordinated this march beforehand, perhaps w/ the congressmen now under investigation. After all, he spent the first hour or so of the insurrection calling representatives who were in lockdown because of the insurrectionists HE SENT AT THEM.
Indeed, reports have come out about Trump's glee in the early stages of the riot; Ben Sasse (R-NE) used the words "delighted" & "excited." This was a man who was giddy about the success of a plan coming to fruition.
Now, I think it unlikely that Trump or his minions planned the physical violence. I think they expected the crowd to surround the capitol, that some would push inside to confront members of congress in their chambers, and they'd make a scene that would look good on cable news.
But when you play with matches, don't be surprised when you get burned.

When the President tells the Proud Boys to "stand back, and stand by" last year, but then calls on all his supporters to come fight for him in DC on Jan 6, they might take him seriously *and* literally.

More from Paul Matzko

This is a great question from @HeerJeet and it has very old roots. In my book, I discuss a similar period of anxiety in the 1960s about the possibility of Air Force officers being involved in a coup. Thread.

Given the size of the US military in WW2, afterwards there was a spike in concern that some of these demilitarized veterans would be amenable to radicalization and supportive of insurrection. These fears heightened after the coups in France/Algiers in 1958 and 1961.

This was the peak era of the Cold War, so anti-communist anxiety was layered over top. The Right feared that communist infiltrators in the government would subvert the Republic. The Left feared that anti-communist military officers would launch a preemptive, paranoid coup.

Note as well that the foundation for these fears was rooted in a novel concept that journalist Edward Hunter had recently coined, "brainwashing." The idea was that US POWs held by North Korea had been brainwashed into accepting communism & might act as a fifth column back home.

You can see that particular paranoia in cultural artifacts from the time like "The Manchurian Candidate," novel in 1959 and the hit 1962 movie starring Frank Sinatra and the incomparable Angela Lansbury. Those sneaky commies nearly infiltrated the Oval Office itself, oh no!!

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