That first $1,200 check was obviously based on gross income from US federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr, for 40 hours a week, for a month: $1,160

What is this $600 amount based on?

The first was "fuck it, give em a month of minimum wage income. No, I don't give a fuck if it's $4 higher in their state."
So: $600. 2 40-hour weeks at $7.25 is $580.

Which is close enough that it *could* be what this number was based on
"Here's 2 weeks of minimum wage income for free, ya fucking plebes" does seem fully believable.
But, it doesn't seem as convincing. Deliberate gesture of cruelty, yes. But they'd try to gussy it up somehow.
It'd seem more plausible if they picked $600 not thinking of 2 weeks of minimum wage labor, but some other standard.
If you were a ghoul deserving to be tried for crimes against humanity, how would you justify that $600 amount?
In 2020, the Federal Benefit Rate for SSI is $783 per month.

People on SSI are expected to live off a bit more than two weeks of minimum wage income each month.
So, you'd think they'd anchor on $700 or $800, as those are numbers close to a similar number already in use in a similar context.
But no, they chose to give a one-time payment $183 less than the monthly income you get on SSI.
In 2021 this monthly SSI amount will increase to $794
It *does* seem like the amount was calculated for maximum fuck-you-plebes cruelty.

More from Anosognosiogenesis

An interesting thing about carp is that they can go into anoxic hibernation and switch to an anaerobic metabolism based on converting glycogen to ethanol.

The waste ethanol is diffused out the gills

Carp can switch over to an anaerobic metabolism and quietly exhale booze until the situation gets better.

They basically evolved the same metabolic pathway as yeast, independently.

In theory, if you spent a few thousand years breeding carp for it, you could use them to make booze.

They'd be enormous, almost entirely glycogen deposits with a fish added as an afterthought.

The really interesting thing about anaerobic carp, is that they can go 4-5 months without oxygen by relying on liver glycogen.

You, a human, have only about 100 grams of glycogen in your liver, about 400 more grams in your skeletal muscles. Call it 500 grams total.

In humans, glycogen is also burned for energy. This is where the marathon runner's bonk comes from: you only have about 2,000 calories worth, and running a marathon burns those 2,000 calories.
So you want to generate interesting melodies.

1. Make a file called 1235.txt containing, one per line, all 24 unique permutations of the elements 1 2 3 5.

2. Cp 1235.txt to D.txt

3. Use sed to convert the numbers in D.txt to notes. Now you have 24 permutations of the major tetrachord in D.

4. Play them each. If it sounds like it increases tension, mark the beginning of that cell in 1235.txt with a +. If it sounds like it decreases tension, mark with a -.

Now those 24 melodic cells are divided into two groups: tension increasers and resolvers.

5. Rinse and repeat for all 12 keys.

You now have 13 plaintext files, filled with stuff like + 1 2 5 3 and - D E F# A

6. Figuratively roll dice to decide, given a +/- cell, what the next cell should be.

33% chance a + follows a +, etc.

Now you're outputting a stream of dynamic tensions: ++-+++-+-+---+ etc

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