Dear anons and Secular Maldives proponents: 12,020 is over, and we made a lot of progress on the #SecularMaldives front. We pushed many important conversations publicly, drove controversial positions in the country while exposing those ideas to a bigger audience. 🧵 /1

We also engaged with the public and started discussing secular politics by injecting our selves into strategic conversations and we forced ourselves into relevance hile changing the entire face of public discourse in the country. /2
We gave a strong message that we exist and we matter. Now we must scale up the activism. Recent Vaguthu article showed the extent of problem. Regular folks were scared and silenced off while Islamists dominated comments and conversation around the article. /3
This needs to change and that change can only be achieved through sustained engagement and dialogue. Keep this up, and we will start chipping away their ideological dominance in the country, eventually towards a win. This is in your hands. /4
When you engage, and gain traction, you begin changing public perceptions. This is described in political science as shifting the Overton Window. /5
This is why I take a extremely controversial #Postreligious position, because then all other liberal positions start looking more acceptable. This is the strategy that has worked best in all my years of activism and I encourage everyone to follow through with it. /6
Keep in mind, if liberals lost this ideological war, and the government got toppled, they will start killing everyone they label irreligious. They will attempt to make those people examples of what they will do to those that disagree. /7
This is how they use fear to control people into submission. This is terrorism in it purest form.

So understand that losing is no longer an option, because we have pushed past multiple points of no returns. And so we must keep going forward till this is won. /8
As for me, I am going to take a break from activism and social media in general. I am going to take the time to get my life reorganized better, my income and work more stable, move city and home, reset all security protocols from scratch for a clean and controlled slate. /9
I may also get a puppy while I am at it, get it to imprint on me, and start building a relationship with it and train it for security reasons and companionship. I will come back with better focus and more determination than ever. This is not over by a long shot. /10
I appreciate the support so far and I appreciate the work everyone is continuing to do. It's a pleasure to see so many people beginning to speak and continuing to do so. You all are amazing! And I love you for it.


#SecularMaldives #FikuryInqulab 11/11
@threadreaderapp unroll

More from For later read

Ester Ranzen/ Childline/BBC/Saville/Mandelson 👀👇


2. (Let's This Party Started) Keith Vaz and Ester Ranzen.


4. Esther Rantzen is quizzed about Jimmy Savile - 2012

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Rig Ved 1.36.7

To do a Namaskaar or bow before someone means that you are humble or without pride and ego. This means that we politely bow before you since you are better than me. Pranipaat(प्राणीपात) also means the same that we respect you without any vanity.


Surrendering False pride is Namaskaar. Even in devotion or bhakti we say the same thing. We want to convey to Ishwar that we have nothing to offer but we leave all our pride and offer you ourselves without any pride in our body. You destroy all our evil karma.


We bow before you so that you assimilate us and make us that capable. Destruction of our evils and surrender is Namaskaar. Therefore we pray same thing before and after any big rituals.


तं घे॑मि॒त्था न॑म॒स्विन॒ उप॑ स्व॒राज॑मासते ।
होत्रा॑भिर॒ग्निं मनु॑षः॒ समिं॑धते तिति॒र्वांसो॒ अति॒ स्रिधः॑॥

Translation :

नमस्विनः - To bow.

स्वराजम् - Self illuminating.

तम् - His.

घ ईम् - Yours.

इत्था - This way.

उप - Upaasana.

आसते - To do.

स्त्रिधः - For enemies.


अति तितिर्वांसः - To defeat fast.

मनुषः - Yajman.

होत्राभिः - In seven numbers.

अग्निम् - Agnidev.

समिन्धते - Illuminated on all sides.

Explanation : Yajmans bow(do Namaskaar) before self illuminating Agnidev by making the offerings of Havi.
