I support Mexican travel vouchers as a stimulus package, usable in the country of Mexico by receipt.

$1,000 travel vouchers to every family now

Must spend the money in Mexico with receipt

Cabo San Lucas, Cancun anybody?

Got to preserve our go to North American spots!

Or you can call these sanctions on the GOP, for dangerous Latino rhetoric the last 5 years.
This could also be the cultural learning experience that the GOP truly is calling for regarding their calls of unity ;)
GOP, put your money where your mouth is and give us $1,000 stimulus packages to Mexico!! If you truly want, unity.
Vouchers accepted in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican republic, Jamaica, and Hawaii.

Florida travel ban, NOW
These sanctions would in effect be a sanction for the state of Florida, some of the most depraved GOP sinister evil racist politicians.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you get rid of Matt Gaetz, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis. This is how you truly threaten the year 2022, and further the Senate lead. Positioning for 2024.

CC @staceyabrams @RandiRhodes @davidhogg111

BCC @marcorubio
I would also hereby sanction the state of Texas.

To punish Ted Cruz

CC @BetoORourke

BCC @tedcruz
The stimulus package would require that no connecting flights can connect in the states of Texas or Florida.

None of the stimulus money can be spent in those states at all.

This is how you put guys like Rick Scott and Ted Cruz in check.

You have to hit them where it hurts
These sanctions would in effect, turn the states of Texas and Florida blue in 2024.

I propose this bill by the likes of the following politicians:


I ask, as your constituent, please begin to draft the bill📄
This would also lift the airline industry organically, without huge bailouts to GOP stockholders, of the said airline industry.

This will help in the deficit, paying for itself upon completion.

Hear me out:
Money would have to be spent under the rule of the special stimuli
1/3 of that money would go directly back into the airline industry.

then we can take the money that we were going to give the airline industry and put that in the pockets of small business owners

Small business must consist of shops getting a prorate of share based on employees
Shop owners with employees of three or less would receive a high-grade prorate share of the small business stimulus.

4 to 9 employees would be the next slot
at #2

#3, 10 employees to 24 employees

#4 25 employees to 100

The bill would place a tax burden on companies with 100+
The bill would penalize those companies which were caught lowering their employee threshold in order to get the stimuli

Taxes for companies with 1,000 employees or more will go very high

Taxes for companies with 2,500 employees or more will go extremely high

5,000, taxed 2 🌛
That's right, taxed to the moon.

I would call this the Unity Appreciation Culture bill, or #UAC

I bet Microsoft and Bill Gates would also sponsor a relief package, stimulated directly into this bill

CC @BillGates @Microsoft @gatesfoundation
It's time to call out the militarized companies during the pandemic and not give them any more money

At last count I heard the military budget was $778 billion dollars during the pandemic

therefore militarized companies which are building weapons of warfare should not be bailed
Why would USA spend $778 billion on the military during a pandemic?

Therefore the UAC bill should have no bailout for companies such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, etc

Boeing would in effect be okay, not by any more bailout money but by the UAC bill

#UAC bill now, please
In order to use the money you would have to present vaccination paperwork, have the antibodies in a negative antibody test, and obviously be covid negative.

They said for so long that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

I intend for ideas to tear down that virtual wall
People need to get out of their houses

This generates economy with pet sitters, rental car companies, gig economy services, and ultimately pays back to the service industry of people of color.

Travel abroad, change your mind. Travel to the second world, venture to 3rd World
Traveling internationally has mental and psychological benefits. Our children need to get out of the USA in order to understand it better from a larger microscope.

Attached to this bill, could be a conjunction with the department of education. children can learn!
The child's normal classwork would be exempt, provided a report and a collage and a study is presented to the classroom upon return. The teacher could simply announce that "Joe or Jim is out for this week in Mexico", "and today we are going to learn about the Aztec and Mayans"
getting folks out of the house who have the antibodies present in their system or the vaccination is very good for society in whole. There is too much covid shaming and covid stigma. These antibodies should populate, or dare I say, repopulate the Earth.
I would be in favor of creating a bill regarding covid, or tucking it into this #UAC bill, which prevents any further bills having unrelated pandemic bills attached.... In other words, It benefits no one for Raytheon to get stimulus alongside a people's bill, and is unrelated
Any bill which is unrelated to the pandemic should not be voted on in the next two years.

Stimulate the health industry
Stimulate the car industry

Because folks need cars to drive to the hospital.

We just don't need a tomahawk missile right now, completely ineffective.



Let's hit Ted Cruz and Rick Scott where it hurts.


More from Finance

1/18 After 3 months, @saffronfinance_ is no longer new on the scene. Now that the kid has climbed the ranks, it's time to see if he can hang with the big boys.

Below are some updated thoughts on potential integrations, improvements, and innovations for Saffron moving forward. ⬇️

2/18 First, if you haven't seen @Privatechad_'s alpha-leaking introductory thread, you should check it out.

I agree that @AlphaFinanceLab and @CreamdotFinance, specifically the Iron Bank, would be ideal targets for SFI risk tranches.

3/18 Speaking more broadly, Saffron is primarily integrated with @compoundfinance, which has served as a MVP of sorts.

The thing is, Compound is one of the safest (but also lowest yield) protocols in DeFi, so it's not surprising that there isn't much demand for the sen. tranche.

4/18 Expanding beyond Compound to higher-risk/higher-return protocols has always been key.

These protocols are the bread-and-butter target market for Saffron, and I would expect to see a surge in demand for senior tranche staking in these

5/18 Additionally, @DeFiGod1 convinced me that Senior Tranche pools would be more appealing if they offered fixed yield.

Essentially, Saffron would augment the product offerings of @Barn_Bridge by also offering senior stakers insurance in the form of junior tranche collateral.

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