The new age of privacy, and the crypto ecosystem that will enable it.

A Thread.

Throughout my research, @HavenXHV The Haven protocol renewed my faith, that privacy wasn't just a temporary trend, but something with actual, sustainability. The creation of a private bank, exchange, and access to real world assets in completely privacy of my own vault. $XHV
Haven's offering to the world, with it's private assets $xUSD $xEUR $xGOLD and xSilver, made me research what else can be done privately, now that I have private stable coin options. My first question was, if I wanted to sell my private assets, how would I do it? $XHV
It didn't take me long before I discovered $RUNE and @thorchain_org and their cross chain liquidity pools and decentralized exchange capabilities. How anyone can offer liquidity and earn rewards and trading fees for doing so. But also,how all trading pairs,are interchangable.
This made me realize that as Thorchain grows in popularity,they will provide the ability for everyone, across the cryptosphere,to trade any coin for any coin. Kind of like uniswap, but cross chain,and outside, yet including, the erc-20 ecosystem. It's uniswap on steroids. $XHV
It's the Binance of decentralized exchanges, and that is no small feat, yet it's much needed in a world where centralized exchanges track everything we do, giving us no privacy over our own trades, freezing our funds when they feel like it. This does not happen with Thorchain.
Thorchain will be the liquidity provider for $XHV,and its primary stable coin $xUSD. Since XHV and its ecosystem of xAssets are entirely private,you can now move between chains,without worry or wait time,of minting back to $XHV and finding enough liquidity on an open exchange.
Being able to move between private xUSD to any chain through thorchain,is a freedom that is much needed for many people across the world. It will give people the ability to keep their funds private and accessible only by them,while still granting them access to all coins. $RUNE
So now I had my own plan, use the $XHV haven protocol as my bank for my crypto gains, to keep funds safe and private, while using Thorchain to grant exposure to other coins as needed. Not to mention, having fun with xAssets getting exposure to real world assets privately.
However, I wanted to dig deeper, what else was being built that would be cool and support the new world of privacy? Lo and behold, I stumbled across the @SecretNetwork .... A network aimed at creating private smart contracts and making erc-20 tokens private! $XHV $RUNE $SCRT
The secret network allows you to turn your eth or your erc-20 token into a private token. For example, USDT goes onto the secret bridge, and become $sUSDT. From there, it can be traded to other secret address, without being traced, or amounts being seen. $SCRT $XHV $RUNE
The secret network is also coming out with its own AMM enabling swaps for different secret tokens,such as $sUSDT for $sETH.Eventually through thorchain,youll be able to trade your private erc20 tokens,directly for $xUSD or $XHV or $XMR.Private eth-erc20 for crosschain privacy.
Yes, you understood that right, I'm talking about cross chain private interoperability. Do you see the brilliance of this? All three of these networks are needed to make this happen. Secret networks private eth-erc20 combined with thorchains liquidity and haven's privacy.
These are matches made in heaven. The coming future of privacy will include all three of these vital players. They all need each other, and they all compliment each other, and they'll all succeed because even on their own, they're brilliant ideas. $XHV $RUNE $SCRT
The secret network alone, has many use cases for private smart contracts that can benefit businesses and individuals around the globe. Haven is the private banking system of the future, and thorchain is the next binance. $XHV $RUNE $SCRT
Not all cryptos will survive the coming years. Many won't. However these three coins will, because of the freedom and abilities they offer. The world has never seen such liberation for the individual to truly take control of their own financial destiny. $XHV $RUNE $SCRT
The sky is the limit for these coins, as people come to understand the true value of privacy, which is why many are currently flocking to signal, and away from what's app and facebook, because our privacy is being totally disrespected by big corporations. $XHV $SCRT $RUNE
The need for privacy will continue to grow as people realize they are being mined for every ounce of data that can provide a profit to the highest bidder and not getting a single penny of it back. These three networks give you your power back, and liberate you from tyranny.
The future is private. Get on board. Do your own research, and you'll get a glimpse of a beautiful future!
If you like my threads, I am happily accepting donations.

XHV: hvxxzdu8yTP5WojajKquqJGxwCn4acrgtTkxUTmvbchj6hyvQLKhkKA1XR7mTLCzLx3r7sJkDQGVbeewHqd36NFs58xLrdTnE4



Thank you for reading!

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You are running out of time to get ahead in cryptocurrency.

You know what's coming:

🔺️ Regulation
🔺️ More shutdowns
🔺️ Banks deciding who gets to do business

It's time you got your own crypto wallet.

Don't know how? I'll show you.



What's metamask? It's a wallet. That you -- I mean YOU -- own.

You see, when you buy crypto through an exchange like CoinBase, you own it but only kind of.

If they get

🔺 Hacked
🔺 Shutdown
🔺 Servers crash

-- your money is STUCK.

We are gonna avoid that 👇

First thing,

Go to

You can download it on your computer. It's a browser extension.

Alternatively, go to the app store on your Android or iPhone. It's there too.

As part of the setup process, you will choose a password.

More importantly though...


As you follow the setup process, you will be given a 12-word seed phrase.


Take it down and guard it like the map to Davey Jones' Locker.



We good? Great.

Let's continue.

Once you're all setup, your MetaMask wallet is going to look something like the picture below.

See where it says Crypto Address? That's where your actual address will be.

It'll be a random arrangement of letters, numbers, etc.

Click on it to copy to your clipboard

I've just read one of the most lucid, wide-ranging, cross-disciplinary critiques of cryptocurrency and blockchain I've yet to encounter. 1/

It comes from David "DSHR" Rosenthal, a distinguished technologist whose past achievements including helping to develop X11 and the core technologies for Nvidia. 2/

Rosenthal's critique is a transcript of a lecture he gave to Stanford's EE380 class, adapted from a December 2021 talk for an investor conference. 3/

It is a bang-up-to-date synthesis of many of the critical writings on the subject, glued together with Rosenthal's own deep technical expertise. He calls it "Can We Mitigate Cryptocurrencies' Externalities?"

The presence of "externalities" in Rosenthal's title is key. 4/

Rosenthal identifies blockchainism's core ideology as emerging from "the libertarian culture of Silicon Valley and the cypherpunks," and states that "libertarianism's attraction is based on ignoring externalities."

This is an important critique of libertarianism. 5/

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