
While the entire US crypto industry (exchanges, funds, associations, PsPs, lobbyists, etc) is currently focused on fighting the AML rules proposed by FinCEN, the XRP Community has been left ALONE fighting the securities battle FOR THE BENEFIT of the whole industry.


The entire US crypto industry (excluding the XRP Community) has been miserably failing to acknowledge that, until now, all the SEC has had for purposes of characterising a blockchain-based token as a security under the Securities Act of 1933 ...

... is a 75 year-old judicial precedent (i.e. 1946 Howey Test), and some non-binding internal guidance. That's it. Nothing more. No clear federal regulations and no clear binding precedents.

Should the SEC definitively win the Complaint filed against Ripple, it would gain a contemporary (and *binding*) judicial precedent essentially defending the posture that it is rightful to apply a 75 year-old precedent to 2020's cutting edge technology, ...

... giving the SEC's enforcement division a clear path moving forward within the crypto industry.

With such precedent (which the SEC hasn't been able to obtain so far, as a result of the early settlements reached with other crypto projects), the SEC would be ...

... ultimately legitimized to go after every other crypto project whose characteristics could eventually fall under the prongs of a 75 year-old Test, i.e. probably all cryptocurrencies excluding Bitcoin and maybe Ether.

This would eventually force all the US crypto industry participants to reduce the scope of their business models to only two digital assets, therefore limiting available revenue channels and freedom to innovate with new technological tools.

However, the US crypto doesn't seem to care about that, and will rather go as far as throwing a single project under the bus (despite the destructive consequences potentially deriving from it), in an attempt to short-sightedly mitigate ...

... a 'supposed' risk of being charged with liabilities associated with facilitating the sale of unregistered securities that haven't actually been definitively classified as such.

The US crypto participants have failed to properly assess risks and have failed to identify the current aspects of the market that could derive, in the long-term, to material adverse effects in prejudice of their own businesses.



More from Crypto

2020 was a game changer for Ethereum.

The vast majority of its success was fueled by #DeFi.

Here's what happened in 5 Tweets 🔽

1) Governance Tokens 🪙

Projects gave complete ownership of billion dollar protocols to their users, often using retroactive airdrops.

Early adopters earned tokens for past usage, and token-based voting now dictates all technical

2) Liquidity Mining ⛏️

Power users were the first to earn on-going distribution by providing liquidity.

$COMP sparked the wave, with $BAL coining the term a few weeks

3) Yield Faming 🌾

Projects coupled liquidity mining and governance tokens to boost 'yields' by combining lending rates with an incentive layer.

APYs peaked as high as 1M% during 'DeFi summer', leading to a 'food coin' craze like $YAM and

4) Fair Launches ✅

Who needs investment when you can launch using yield farming?

@iearnfinance debuted $YFI with no formal funding, seeding a community treasury for self-sustainability.

The notion of a core team and community became one and the
You are running out of time to get ahead in cryptocurrency.

You know what's coming:

🔺️ Regulation
🔺️ More shutdowns
🔺️ Banks deciding who gets to do business

It's time you got your own crypto wallet.

Don't know how? I'll show you.



What's metamask? It's a wallet. That you -- I mean YOU -- own.

You see, when you buy crypto through an exchange like CoinBase, you own it but only kind of.

If they get

🔺 Hacked
🔺 Shutdown
🔺 Servers crash

-- your money is STUCK.

We are gonna avoid that 👇

First thing,

Go to

You can download it on your computer. It's a browser extension.

Alternatively, go to the app store on your Android or iPhone. It's there too.

As part of the setup process, you will choose a password.

More importantly though...


As you follow the setup process, you will be given a 12-word seed phrase.


Take it down and guard it like the map to Davey Jones' Locker.



We good? Great.

Let's continue.

Once you're all setup, your MetaMask wallet is going to look something like the picture below.

See where it says Crypto Address? That's where your actual address will be.

It'll be a random arrangement of letters, numbers, etc.

Click on it to copy to your clipboard


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