We’ve been around CT for a few years, and while the road still appears curvy, we believe the pieces are moving into place and the destination becomes more clear with each passing day. The following people are all pioneers, when they speak you should listen.

Going to lay out who we think some of the most fascinating thinkers are and some of our favorite podcasts. While these people still differ on some of their viewpoints, they are either the thought leaders of the world we are moving towards or contributing towards building it.
1) Nick Szabo (@NickSzabo4) - Truly one of the pioneers of our space and one of the first podcasts we ever listened to. Still the pod we send to people wanting to dip their toes in the space. Funny listening to nick, @naval, and @tferriss 4 years later.

2) Naval (@naval) - Clearly a thought leader in the traditional world, but he understands and is dedicating time to bring the future to the present. When this guy speaks the whole world seems to listen. Once again @tferriss does a phenomenal job.

3) Vitalik Buterin (@VitalikButerin) - The father of Ethereum and when Vitalik speaks we all should listen. He thinks differently than almost every human in this world. Yes...he’s a genius.

4) Sergey Nazarov (@SergeyNazarov) - Sergey is building the infrastructure that will allow crypto to become what it’s meant to be. We honestly loved the last 40 mins of this interview the most and it was completely unrelated to crypto.

5) Bankless (@BanklessHQ) Love both these guys and what they’re doing for the community. Lol we feel this podcast may be the biggest driver behind the latest ETH run, but all their episodes are gold.

6) Preethi Kasireddy (@iam_preethi) - Preethi has lived it, built it, and understood it. She’s doing a series recently introducing crypto to beginners, something that’s harder to do recently, and tuning workshops to teach people about the space.

7) Muneeb Ali (@muneeb) - The creator behind Stacks (fka Blockstack) and is working on bringing smart contracts to Bitcoin. Muneeb is brilliant and understands aligning incentives as well as anyone. Also the guy is just a hustler who grinded for it.

8) Balaji Srinivasan (@balajis) - We’re convinced this guy is from the future. He sees where we are headed. Timing is tough to predict, but Balaji at least dares to imagine a world unlike anyone else and for that should be commended.

9) @BowTiedBull - We wouldn’t feel right leaving them off this list. Love or hate them, they just win, and are about to be giving out more content than ever before. And oh yeah, Banks are Zeros🤡

This list isn’t fully comprehensive, but if you’re looking to understand the future we’re headed towards, it’s a good start.

Good luck avatars

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