This is the story of a CONTROLLING mother who has DESTROYED the lives of many trans kids, including potentially, her own.

And all based on ASSUMPTIONS of @TaviAndPort, a service she’s not yet entered!😤

Her prejudice goes ‘mask off’ in this article...

First up, my heart goes out to ‘Angela’s’ child. It is exactly *because* of parents like this, that Gillick exists - to allow young people body autonomy and agency over their own lives SEPARATE from controlling parents!
She’s right - she absolutely HAS taken away her child’s rights. Not only that, she’s also taken away the rights of THOUSANDS of other children and their parents to make choices about what’s right for them!

And all because she can’t handle the thought of her child being trans.
‘Angela’ doesn’t give a damn about the rights of parents! If she did, she wouldn’t have taken away the rights of parents SUPPORTING their trans kids! 😫

What about those parents? The ones who have sat on suicide watch while their child counts the days to getting medical help?
Let’s be absolutely clear here - The reason she didn’t tell her child, is because she knows it would absolutely DESTROY her relationship with them. She wanted to go behind their back to exert CONTROL over her nearly adult child, who legally had autonomy over their own body!
Let’s put this another way - Should ‘Mrs A’ have the right to STOP her child from having an abortion without her consent under the age of 18?

After all, having a child is MASSIVELY life-changing.

Should she have the ‘right’ to force her child to HAVE an abortion???
Not only did ‘Mrs A’ want to stop her own child from getting internationally endorsed medical intervention, she weaponised them in order to stop THOUSANDS of distressed trans kids from getting the same.

Be in no doubt, this was a move to enforce her own ideology on others!
The galling thing about all of this is that ‘Angela’ doesn’t *know* what would’ve happened in the @TaviAndPort clinic, as her child is STILL ON THE 2 YEAR LONG WAITING LIST!!!

Her information is clearly taken from transphobic echo chambers full of hyperbole and lies! 😖
There is so much to unpack here...

Surely any parents job is to give their children the skills to make their own ‘good’ choices in life. Part of that is recognising that what is ‘good’ for YOU, might not be ‘good’ for them!

Parents do not ‘own’ their children!!!
What ‘Mrs A’ also fails to acknowledge is that by forcing her child -and now, all other trans kids - to go through an unwanted puberty, she is taking away the ‘choice’ for them to avoid future surgeries & denying them the ‘choice’ to go through life without being visibly ‘outed’.
‘Mrs A’ is blatantly ignoring the FACT that fertility preservation is offered BEFORE anyone is prescribed hormones.

There are now also MULTIPLE instances of trans men who have previously taken testosterone, having healthy babies.
‘Mrs A’ also ignores the fact that most trans men identify as heterosexual (attracted to women), in which case having ‘biological children’ is not a given.

If her child is trans male & gay (attracted to men), then it’s entirely feasible to have bio kids
The irony of ‘Mrs A’s’ comment - Due to her selfish actions, THOUSANDS of trans kids and their parents now have to stand by and watch as their future is changed for ever!

And all based on her ASSUMPTION about how @TaviAndPort operate!!! 😡😡😡
If ‘Mrs A’ had actually experienced the @TaviAndPort process, she would have found that far from being easy, that there are MANY obstacles to overcome before trans kids are able to access puberty blockers - As this thread - from someone who KNOWS - details ⤵️
So basically, because a parent has received letters that respect her child’s wishes over her own, and are unwilling to to side with her transphobic notions of ‘social contagion’, she’s taken out legal action against them! 🙄😣
It’s obvious that ‘Mrs A’s’ child at the age of 16, is still questioning their gender after ‘coming out’ at age 11.

‘Mrs A’ clearly doesn’t want her child to be trans, so she is doing everything in her power to covertly impose her will.

This is conversion therapy by deception!
Her comments “blaming” her child’s gender identity questioning on autism is a tactic used by anti-trans campaigners to try and infantilise trans people and remove their autonomy over their own lives.

It also sounds very much that what she actually wants the @TaviAndPort to do is perform conversion therapy on her child! 😳
‘Angela’ then spouts a whole load of sexist stereotypes...

On the one hand her “daughter” played with “boyish things” as a child but then turned to “stereotypically female” things as they got older.

Surely she knows that gender expression is separate from gender identity?
It’s been cited again and again by trans adults that a common time that they realised they were trans was when their body started changing in puberty... about the time children move to secondary school! 🙄
A kid questioning their gender / sexuality / whatever seeks out information and support to find out more and to better understand themselves, so as not to feel so alone and shit!

And this is bad, why? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Clearly ‘Angela’ would rather her child was isolated, uninformed & alone!
‘Angela’ went to court to argue that under 18’s couldn’t possibly understand the implications of being trans, yet she admits that her own child AT THE AGE OF 11 was fully informed, including full knowledge of possible surgical procedures!!!
‘Angela’ is (expectedly) twisting the truth...

1. There is no “trans orthodoxy”
2. Children aren’t “encouraged” to “denounce their parents
3. However, if a child *is* experiencing abuse at home, wouldn’t it be prudent to suggest they get help / get away from it? 🤔
Let’s not pretend that all parents are good parents - some can be physically and psychologically abusive!

Unfortunately, instances of abuse towards children displaying gender nonconformity or gender questioning behaviour is still unacceptably high. 😞

So, ‘Mrs A’s’ child tells her she’s trans, so what does ‘Mrs A’ do...

Cut off access to any support, then take the ONLY NHS clinic that can help her child to court in order to make ABSOLUTELY SURE her child can’t get treatment!!! 😳😳😖
Again, more confirmation that ‘Angela’ is only willing to listen to her child, just so long as her child says what ‘Angela’ wants to hear!

Imagine her child saying “I’m gay, I’ve always felt it”, and ‘Angela’ saying “No you’re not, stop rewriting history!”... It’s no different!

Because we should *absolutely* ban everyone from having “life changing” abortions because ONE person regrets it! 😖

Let’s also ignore the FACT that Keira Bell CONTINUED to CONSENT to transition procedures as an ADULT!

This is NOT reason to remove treatment from ALL trans kids!
Let’s be absolutely clear here - ‘Mrs A’ took the @TaviAndPort to court because she not only wanted to push her anti-trans ‘gender critical’ beliefs on her own child, but also impose her ideology on EVERYONE ELSES TRANS CHILDREN TOO!!!
This moves to another issue... The failing of GIDS in keeping robust data - This is not disputed, and was one of the MANY reasons why @Mermaids_Gender & @stonewalluk sought to intercede in the court case - So that they could contribute some of the EXTENSIVE international data!
Unlike ‘Angela’ who jumped to take the Tavi to court, I’ve actually got first-hand experience and have spoken with their clinicians.

1. One criticism by parents whose kids are treated by GIDS, is that they’re often seen through a lense of “clinical curiosity”
This comment also ignores the practical fact that the Tavi have been dealing both with a massive rise in referrals AND an uptick in dealing with trans-hostile lobbying - both which impact the opportunity for research.
AGAIN ‘Angela’ has absolutely NO IDEA how the Tavi would respond, because SHE’S NEVER HAD ANY APPOINTMENTS WITH THEM!

Her assumptions are based on misinformation and rhetoric gleaned from the transphobic echo chambers she occupies! 😣
A reminder: Angela’s’ child told her they were trans at 11. They’re now 16. Does she *really* think her teen will ‘change their mind’ in the next 2 years?

Also, the legal ruling states 16+ year olds can still consent to blockers!

All she’s done is stop OTHER kids getting care!
As always with the blatantly biased trans-hostile Daily Mail stories, the ACTUAL FACTS are relegated to a tiny paragraph at the bottom of the article! 😖 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
This is yet ANOTHER trans-hostile article from the - without exception - transphobic UK mainstream media, based on lies, hyperbole, and the platforming of those with bigoted ideological views! 😞

Archived link to not give the DM £clicks ⤵️
⚠️ It’s just been flagged to me that in Section 89 of the Judgement Bell v Tavistock it states that Mrs A child hasn’t been referred to GIDS.

It appears that ‘Angela’ is lying. She didn’t refer the child & there was no letter from GIDS with male pronouns! 😳


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