This week, over half the Republican Congress signed on to a Texas lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to invalidate millions of votes in 4 battleground states, despite having ZERO evidence of voter fraud. This is shocking but, sadly, not the least bit surprising. #velshi

Last night, the Supreme Court—including all 3 of Donald Trump’s appointees—rejected Texas’ case to overturn the election results. But one wonders whether it would have been more useful for the court to have heard it and then decided against it. #velshi
Trump’s tactics may not have worked in the ACTUAL courts, but a poll out this week indicated that 77% of Republicans believe there was fraud in this election. While most of that misinformation comes from Donald Trump himself—he’s the spark—the fuel is all around us. #velshi
Months ago, I warned that congressional candidates who hold dangerous fringe views could potentially get elected. They did, and I thought that was going to be our biggest problem moving forward: candidates whipping up conspiracies on the campaign trail. #velshi
I failed at the time to recognize that the dangers are far greater. Since Nov 3, elected members of the GOP and their constituents have pushed actual lies in favor of overturning the election and the will of the people who voted Biden in and Trump out. #velshi
It’s one thing if Biden’s victory had been like Trump’s: an Electoral College win without the popular vote. But 7 million more people voted for Joe Biden, and in responding to more than 50 cases filed, no court has found a single instance of voter fraud. #velshi
No double or triple voting, no dead people voting. Just people not voting for Donald Trump. #velshi
To the GOP’s conspiracy theorists and congressional enablers, it doesn’t matter that there’s no evidence of voter fraud and that recount after recount has shown Trump to be the loser every time. They want what Trump wants: to subvert democracy. #velshi
I don’t know whether the fringe found Trump or Trump found the fringe, but this stuff is real. From the ridiculous but increasingly dangerous “stop-the-steal” movement to the undermining of COVID precautions, Trump and his enablers have made these ideas mainstream. #velshi
Trump empowers these fringe thinkers, and they support his every perverted and unjust idea. It’s a dangerous relationship that is damaging our nation’s foundations. And Trump doesn’t seem to care. #velshi
Trump continues to test our norms, the Constitution and our freedoms under his fact-free but still substantial influence. He is, after all, still the President of the United States. #velshi

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so @tedwheeler did you hear? today we are discussing "public whippings" thanks to @JamesBuchal

its a great chance to study the history of public beatings.
understandably, women feel threatened. https://t.co/jck05JGM4B
#PDX #tourism

PORTLAND. Or., June 7—The whipping post law passed at the last session of the Legislature was Into execution for the first time today, the victim being Charles Mcdlnty, convicted of wlfe-beatlng

whip was a braided blacksnake, made of rawhide, with four lashes. ..hustled to jail, stripped to the

waist, manacled, and his hands tied to the door high above his head. The whipping was as severe as the powerful deputy was capable of administering. Blood drawn on the 4th blow.

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