1/13 #ClimateChange is a result of a mindset, that is based on monoculture, fossil fuels, chemicals, corporate control. @BillGates cannot alter a condition with the same mindset that created it in the first place @Trevornoah @drvandanashiva

2/13 The mad rush for #FakeFood and #FakeMeat, ignorant of the #diversity of our food cultures & the role of biodiversity is a recipe for accelerating the #climatecrisis, the destruction of the planet & our health @drvandanashiva https://t.co/vH6FyBDWCx
3/13 The perpetrators of the industrialized & now digitized predatory economic model that has led to worldwide ecological devastation are trying to sell us their solutions as the only path forward @drvandanashiva @NnimmoB #FalseSolutionsToClimateChange
4/13 The #GatesFoundation works to create a friendly regulatory environment to push its innovations regardless of risks or past failures by funding to align to its interests- media, research, start-ups, government programmes & international institutions https://t.co/YFvxzEfuaW
5/13 Amnesia and denial of past failures becomes evident with the @gatesfoundation new initiative #AgOne where only digital tech and the #GreenRevolution is seen as the solution to the #ClimateCrisis & #BiodiversityCrisis @drvandanashiva @BioSRP
6/13 Behind initiatives launched by @gatesfoundation is a urgency that all new technologies & mitigation efforts must be quickly implemented in the name of stopping #ClimateChange masking his wide support for further industrialization. @drvandanashiva https://t.co/Z97z5R3pF8
7/13 The #CarbonBubble of big fossil fuel industries is about to pop and the last-ditch efforts of big business to not lose trillions of dollars in assets is through funding the escape hatch known as #geoengineering @druojajay @ETC_Group @drvandanashiva https://t.co/ga1Maqw2gX
8/13 Regardless of @BillGates’ coy attitude toward #geoengineering & his seeming interest in funding #ClimateChange solutions, he is the largest shareholder in one of Canada’s largest oil and gas company, Canadian National Railway @druojajay @ETC_Group https://t.co/1V4vtPkjlz
9/13 While it is extremely tempting to look for immediate solutions #GatesFoundation embodies the solutionist mentality that sees technology as the only way to solve complex problems. @drvandanashiva https://t.co/roJ4skDy3g
10/13 Latin American #gatesfoundation initiative #AgTech is made up of partnerships w/ @Microsoft, Bayer, Corteva & Syngenta, showing @BillGates continued partnership w/ #pesticide giants responsible for #ClimateChange & #EcologicalDestruction
11/13 Long term & reliable solutions to the #ClimateCrisis come with #biodiversity, #LivingSoil #LivingSeed local diversified food systems & #OrganicFarming - not shortsighted silver bullet #fakesolutions & #technofixes @drvandanashiva @greyherren https://t.co/G3OoS5aHnp
12/13 Regenerating the planet through living processes of #biodiversity-based agroecology & growing & recycling #LivingCarbon has become a survival imperative to counter #ClimateChange @drvandanashiva @regeneration_in https://t.co/NCtgl7RiTZ
13/13 @Trevonoah @BillGates @gatesfoundation @TheGuardian @Commondreams @ETC_Group @drvandanashiva @GMWatch @TimothyAWise @sethitzkan @NDentico @BioSRP @11thhourproject @greyherren @regeneration_in @druojajay @GeorgeMonbiot

More from Climate change

The UK government's climate advisory body is launching its next carbon budget: basically, outlining what the UK can emit between 2033 and 2037. It's a big deal - launch video starting right now.
Watch along:

Will tweet along snippets. Pretty relevant to...............everything, really. #UKCarbonBudget

"Instead of being just a budget, it's a pathway we have to tread to reach net zero in 2050" @lorddeben

Just like quite a few other modelling exercises, CCC use a spectrum between behaviour change and between technological change. #UKCarbonBudget.

Both = best (just like @AEMO_Media's Step Change scenario in their ISP)

'Balanced' is what they use for their recs. "We're doing 60% of the emissions reductions in the first 15 years, and then 40% in the next".

The slinky kitty curve....good to see. No evidence of delaying action to Dec 29 2049, here. #UKCarbonBudget

"By front loading, we're minimising the UK's contribution to cumulative emissions" - really important point. A slow path to net zero - more climate harm than a fast one. #UKCarbonBudget
So What Really Went Down During The Flood In High River Alberta ? Was Something Else Going On ~ DUMB Question? The High River Flood 5 Years Ago - Heartland

What’s The Big Business In Town ~ High River Ab?


Interesting ....And Then We Have That Fundraiser ~ Tom Jackson

Tom Has A Big Heart ♥️ Great Read ~ The People Connected https://t.co/T5Xf5yJM59

Stay With Me And Let’s See Where This Leads Us Q Patriots!
Look Here 👇 What’s #yyc & #yql ?

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Always. No, your company is not an exception.

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