Men, ADOPT these skills before age 30 and save yourself from 99% of life problems...

1. Manipulation

People are self centered and you need to be manipulative.

Learn psychology to understand human nature.

This will save you from being manipulated

You'll also learn how to get what you want from anyone without forcing
2. Time management

As a man, time is your most precious asset

Keep track of your time, this your path to success.

Spend 80% of your day;

• Feeding your mind
• Exercising your body
• Rest
3. Skill of having sex

Experiment enough and learn how to enjoy sex.

2-minute men are disgusting to every lady they meet.

Build your stamina, do this;

• Sun your balls 10 minutes daily
• Eat more protein
• Workout
• Hydrate
4. Role playing

You don't need to display your true character

Let people know just enough about you, live a life of mystery.

You should know;

• What to share
• To whom
• How and when

Wear a mask around you when interacting with people.
5. Learn how to network

The world today operates on "who knows who".

Create value in yourself and learn how to connect with people

Include these people in your circle;

• Police
• Top executives
• Reformed criminal

Learn from everyone.
6. Confidence

A weak man is a disgrace to himself

Always have a stand on your choices.

Boost your confidence by

• working out daily
• Learn how to dress
• Experiment more and learn

Make normies idolize you.
7. Learn persuasion

Everything in life has sales pitch

Be good at it, your life demands the skill to;

• Run businesses
• Relate well with people
• Create connection with ease

Spend 1 hour a day and learn how to sell

Persuasion is a game of words to closing of deals
It's Masculinity Saturday

Follow @Wealth_Pill and learn more on;

• Business strategies
• Mental frameworks
• Relationships
• Social skills

Men, this world wants you to be fit physically, mentally and financially

Let's meet on next Saturday for more.

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MDZS is laden with buddhist references. As a South Asian person, and history buff, it is so interesting to see how Buddhism, which originated from India, migrated, flourished & changed in the context of China. Here's some research (🙏🏼 @starkjeon for CN insight + citations)

1. LWJ’s sword Bichen ‘is likely an abbreviation for the term 躲避红尘 (duǒ bì hóng chén), which can be translated as such: 躲避: shunning or hiding away from 红尘 (worldly affairs; which is a buddhist teaching.) ( (abbrev. TWX)

2. Sandu (三 毒), Jiang Cheng’s sword, refers to the three poisons (triviṣa) in Buddhism; desire (kāma-taṇhā), delusion (bhava-taṇhā) and hatred (vibhava-taṇhā).

These 3 poisons represent the roots of craving (tanha) and are the cause of Dukkha (suffering, pain) and thus result in rebirth.

Interesting that MXTX used this name for one of the characters who suffers, arguably, the worst of these three emotions.

3. The Qian kun purse “乾坤袋 (qián kūn dài) – can be called “Heaven and Earth” Pouch. In Buddhism, Maitreya (मैत्रेय) owns this to store items. It was believed that there was a mythical space inside the bag that could absorb the world.” (TWX)