In 2 minutes, I'll show you 11 pillars that'll help you succeed in life at any age. (Cutting through the noise)

1. Accept success won't come at once

Not even witchcraft can help in this.

Success cannot be attained quickly.

Even if you pour all the hard work and dedication,

You won't achieve all goals right away.

Be patient and expect it to take longer to achieve your goals.
2. Focus on what matters

Focus on what is essential to you and your goals.

Block out distracting;

• Information
• Opinions
• Ideas

Always ask in the course of the day,

"Is whatever I'm doing important to me and my goals?"
3. Build a strong foundation

Instead of rushing for the outcomes

Focus on building a strong foundation,

Especially if your goals are big and beyond your current level.
4. Cultivate your curiosities

Not only is curiosity key to the learning process, but it's great for overall life satisfaction.

Curious people;

• Connect better
• Enjoy socializing more
• Have better relationships

Other people are attracted to curious individuals.
5. Stay consistent

You need to put in the work daily to turn your dreams to reality.

Keep getting better and it won't take long before you get what you desire.
6. Delegate your weaknesses

There's someone who is strong at your weakness.

They will do what you can't more efficiently at a cost.

This gives you enough time to build on your strengths.

Have a team that will work for a common course.
7. Nurture your dreams

Your dreams are strengths.

Spend time alone and;

- Learn
- Try out your ideas
- Develop your skills

Also find people to help you.
8. Empower others

Great leaders set themselves apart by;

• Guiding
• Influencing
• Empowering

Great leaders display empathy and compassion when others are down.
9. Have a strong belief

You must believe in what you're doing

In one way or another it'll work out.

You'll wake up ready for the day. Always.
10. Have patience

Success won't come to you fast.

Most people fail because they can't wait a little longer or push further.

It might not happen today but eventually.
11. Own something

Regardless of your age;

• Buy land
• Start businesses
• Invest in long term projects

Invest any time.

(You can start a business with this masterpiece
I'm happy to have you here

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