Aasthaam taavadiyam prasoothisamaye durvaarashoolavyathaa
Nairuchyam thanusoshanam malamayee sayya cha samvatsaree |
Ekasyaapi na garbha-bhaara-bharana-klesasya yasyaa: kshamo
Dhathum nishkruthimunnathopi thanaya: tasyai janyai nama: || 🙏🏻

To that mother, who, at the time of giving birth to me suffered unbearable pain, became weak due to distaste, who slept beside me on the bed made dirty by my urine and feces, and above all for bearing me in her womb for 9 months and the distress she suffered as a result, to that
mother my salutations to whom even the most exalted of children cannot compensate.

The above shloka is from Adi Shankaracharya's Maatru Panchakam. Shankara's mother, Aaryaamba, was distraught having to cope with the fact that her Son, after having born after practicing many
austerities and vrathas, opted to accept Sanyaasaashrama at a very young age. Nevertheless, she wished that He be at her side at the time of her death. Shankara keeps His promise knowing that mother is about to pass away.
Requesting pardon that he could not do the necessary services at this hour of grief, Shankara sings this set of 5 poignant yet endearing shlokas that glorify the mother.

If a Sanyasi who always reveled in Brahman could also feel the greatness of a mother, one should understand
why Vedas have unequivocally said Maatru devo bhava. Only after this comes Pitru devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava, and Atithi devo bhava. Mother and father are the first Gurus for the child. The fact that Sanatana Dharma principles are still largely prevalent in the society even
when people don't have any formal scriptural training is only because of the values inculcated in us in the form of stories during childhood by our parents and grandparents

Vedas and all Sastras have placed exemplary stress on the importance of serving one's parents,
especially the mother. The debt or runa of either the father or the mother cannot be fulfilled. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Krishna says to Devaki and Vasudeva,

Sarvaartha-sambhavo deho janita: poshito yata: ||
Na tayoryaati nirvesham pitrormartya: shataayuṣhaa ||
One can achieve all goals in life, but it is the parents who provide the body as a means of sustenance to do so. Thus, no person can repay his debt to his parents even if he serves them for a hundred years.

When someone like Sri Krishna Himself, who is Sat-Chit-Aananda,
the Primeval Purusha, One Who is all-pervasive, One Who Himself declared in the Gita that Pitaham asya jagato maata dhaata pitamaha: (I am the father, mother, support, and grandsire of all creation), One in Whom everything is made, sustained, and ultimately destroyed and
yet is above everything Himself says this, one can only imagine the sorry state of affairs when people abandon their parents in old age homes but queue up in Tirumala seeking benediction. Paramatma will not even look at such people no matter what recommendation one takes.
Just like how A, U, Ma combine to form the Pranava or Shabda Brahman, Mata, Pita, and Guru are akin to Aumkaara for all. Serving them is serving Paramatma directly.

Paramatma does Srusthi, Sthithi, and Laya. Laya does not actually mean destruction but means taking back in.
In the same way, a mother creates, nourishes, and takes the child to her bosom. That is why even the Veda bows down in reverence to a mother. Swasthi maata uta pitrena asthu. May my behavior towards my parents be always good, auspicious, and bring them delight.
In fact, our daily prayers should ensure that we ask not for material gains alone but to ensure that we do not become indebted to our parents. Vedam says Etat tadagre anruno bhavaamyahatau pitaro mayaa. May I be able to fulfill my debt to my parents.
Here, one gets a doubt as to when Krishna said no one can repay debt of one's parents why is Vedam asking to pray for such a benediction in the first place.

By study of Sastras and performing sadaachara, one is able to clear Rishi runa. By feeding other beings and taking care
of Prakruti, one is able to repay Bhuta runa. By helping fellow humans, one is able to repay Manushya runa. However, no one can actually repay Maatru and Pitru runas. It may be possible in the most severest of austerities to repay a father's debt, but it is absolutely impossible
to repay that of one's mother. That's why Vyasa writes in the Vaayu Purana,

Maasi maasi krutham kashtam vedanaa prasave thathaa |
Thasya nishkramanarthaya Mathru pindam dadaamyaham ||
Your pregnancy was painful month to month due to the troubles given by me in your womb. What can I do, O Mother, do get rid of that sin, except for offering this pinda to you for your safe passage.

Swalpa aaharasya karanee yaavath puthrascha balaka |
Thasya nishkramanarthaya Mathru pindam dadaamyaham ||

For the sake of feeding me and keeping me nourished, you malnourished yourself. What can I do, O Mother, do get rid of that sin, except for offering this pinda to you for your safe passage.

There are many who are not able to
offer even this pinda pradhaana due to various genuine reasons beyond their purview. This is the reason Vedam extolls all to pray for such a boon daily.

Such is the greatness of a mother. Words are not sufficient to describe this. Even while taking away one's biological mother,
ven while taking away one's biological mother, the Mother of the Universe ensures that at least 7 other mothers take her place.

Aatma maataa guro: patnee braahmanee raajapatnikaa |
Dhenur dhaatree tathaa pruthvee saptaitaa maatara: smritaa: ||
These include Guru patni, wife of a Brahmana, wife of the King, Gomata, the woman who nurses, and the Earth itself. Finally, She Herself becomes the Mother of all.

Unlike elsewhere, every day in a Bhaaratiya's life reveres for mother, father, and Guru. Celebrations for just a
day is a farcical practice. No matter how one's situated in life, as long as parents are properly cared for and accorded the respect they deserve, that family, that community, that nation, and consequently the world automatically becomes Swarga.

Maata Pita Guru Vandanam 🙏🏻

More from Master Chief Spartan

Seriyana loosu. This is why I said Eelam activists are better off doing kuthu rap instead of worrying about whether Shiva is Vedic or not. Then these same people say Om Namah Shivaya. Adding Om and Nama: automatically makes it a mantra.

**Long thread alert**

Mantras are only found in Vedas, not in the common tongue. Anyways, her perspectives matter zilch. What is more alarming is how a proper Thirumurai vakyam such as Anbe Sivam is being twisted and appropriated for nefarious agendas and how SM is brazenly peddling the same nonsense.

Yasya nishvasitam Vedaa: yo vedebhyo akhilam jagat | Nirmame tam aham vande vidyaatirtha Maheshvaram ||
One Whose very breath is the Veda using which the entire Creation was made, I bow down to Maheswara Who purifies with His wisdom.
So, if Vedas are really His own breath, how

can one draw stupid faux ethnic identities denying His indication in the Vedas? This has no rationale even to the self-proclaimed rationalists.

Let's attempt to understand what the naama Shiva means. I believe this foundation is important before we go on to understand any Naama vaibhavam. Do note that in SD, the Naama and the Naami are indifferent. In fact, Bhaktas consider the Naama to be greater since
Haha. Fool. On the day of Deepavali Amavasya, abhyangana snaana, pitru tarpanam, deepa daanam, ulka darsanam, and Lakshmi puja are performed. Deepa daana is not some Buddhist creation. The concept of even the wicks in a Deepam is highly Vedic, so it is impossible that what is

essentially a naasitka vaada will even promulgate something about Deepam, let alone Deepa Daanam. It is that time of the year again — an auspicious occasion of Deepavali marked by festivities, exchange of pleasantries, sumptuous food, crackers! and of course, Bhagavan's blessings

However, this is also the time when a lot of misinfo, faltu gnaan, and unsolicited advice start pouring in from the usual suspects. I don't necessarily fault ThePrint or any such farcical media outlets. They are steadfast in their agenda and they won't change even if one moves

heaven and earth. However, it is important to call out blatant misappropriation for our own good and know why we celebrate certain festivals.

Let's understand what Deepavali is all about. Now, the festival means many things to many people and there are too many variations in how

it is celebrated across the world. That being said, I will try to present some aspects that form the core of it all.

As always, every festival, every act, and every ritual in SD is extensively deep-rooted in philosophy that addresses both iha and para.

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Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.

Tweet: https://t.co/36FnYnsRT9

Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: https://t.co/XLfoX4rpck / https://t.co/vjE1ctLU5x

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: https://t.co/vcDpTu3qyj / https://t.co/CA3N6hC2Lq

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