
My Op-ed on yesterday's attack on Shobha Yatras across many states.

I will try to cover why a particular community is feeling so agitated in the present scenario.

This is my personal opinion, so you can feel free to counter, make suggestions or add your own points.

Let's look at this situation from the recently concluded 5 state elections. Whr BJP won 4 states out of 5. The 5th state which was won by AAP has very less presence of that community, so it doesn't bother them much but the biggest state which has hurt them is Uttar Pradesh.
For almost 70 years they had a dominant presence in Uttar Pradesh politics, be it Congress, SP or BSP, they had a sizeable represention in the govt & in the assembly. But in post 2017, their presence from the assembly has diminished & this pattern will be replicated across India
Recent attacks were seen in Rajasthan, MP, Gujarat which are going for state elections next. Most likely results of UP will be replicated & other state is Jharkhand whr change of guard is speculated in media. Let's see why state elections could be one of the reason of frustration
Let's look at some of their strong or so called Bahubali netas in Hindi heartland. Azam Khan, Atique Ahmad, Mukhtar Ansari, Mohammed Shahabuddin, etc

All these are criminals turned politician who enjoy tremendous support in their home constituencies & in minority dominated areas
Why are they so popular in that community despite being criminals is the biggest question, which one should stress on

These are basically modern day Robin Hoods, who are meant to loot money from the majority & distribute a part of that loot amongst their community, so Godfathers
This loot is typically like land grabbing (worth billions), extortion, loot, kidnapping, involvement in govt tenders, road contracts, etc

Since they were always in power, regardless of whichever govt, they have enjoyed the political backing & immunity from the local police force
A community which is growing at the fastest rate, needs new accommodation to accommodate the ever growing families. This is whr the land grabbing plays a significant role. Economically they are backward so they don't have legitimate means of earning money to afford a new house
They scare other communities in their locality, forcing them to flee those localities by selling their houses for peanuts. Many illegal religious structures are built to expand their presence, with a trumpet on its head & non stop sound to disturb others living in that locality
Godfathers help them setup illegal meat shops, fruit shops, roadside eateries, etc, thus creating employment for an undereducated community. Another major business is stealing automobiles, selling it in the black market. Selling expensive automobile components at cheaper price.
Pan-bidi shops, Pυnctυre shops are set up across the streets, illegal garages have been setup, blocking roads, creating congestion in the city areas. Most of their businesses & shops are around the slums & most structures are illegally built on a grabbed land.

Its an ecosystem
They are running a parallel economy, which is largely illegal, doesn't involve much of education, largely skilled based occupations, whr they assert their monopoly by force by driving other players out of the business.

Without power & political backing this game cannot last long
First time we saw in UP how a bull dozer has become a overnight star. This bull dozer charisma is now replicated in other states. Illegal structures are being broken & the so called bahubalis are thrown out of power & many lingering in jail

Lets look at some other ongoing topics
There is a huge ground swell to remove loudspeakers from the illegal religious structures, which will in a way reduce their dominance in those areas whr they are not in majority. Demand for Jhatka meat is rising which means an attack on their lucrative meat business model
Other important topic is a ban on the black tent across educational institutions. Many of their businesses rely on the undereducated youth population. The moment their youth gets educated, they will lose their grip from businesses.

Education is actually a dilemma for them
They want a part of their youth to get educated & get dominant in legitimate businesses & on the other hand they want uneducated folks to run their roadside businesses. This confusion has created a mess, especially when your illegal businesses are on the verge of collapse.
Post 2014, Hindus are looking consolidated in many parts & UP has asserted that consolidation is the best solution to end this illegal or parallel economy in various pockets across India.

Largely illiterate community suddenly cannot take education & participate in main stream.
Left ecosystem is trying to save this parallel economy by creating a hysteria of fear amongst the minority & creating a wave of sympathy in the national & International media. But fortunately this will not make any impact on the ground. Their modus operandi is clear to everyone
Hardly any legislators are getting elected & they are far from power. Hindu consolidation space is open in politics which is currently occupied by BJP. No other player is willing to attack about Hindu rights apart frm BJP.

Sabka sath sabka vikas, those days are now long gone
BJP is now moving in the right direction whr banning black tent, removal of loudspeakers, and eventually UCC, population control bill & NRC will put things in order.

Peacefools realise this & eventually their frustration is clearly evident from various incidents across country
Consolidation is important to continue the chain of events. If our unity is dented by crooks like Kejriwal. The entire roadmap to end parallel economy will collapse.

Proudly say जय श्री राम & join bandwagon

Once again, its my personal opinion. Let me know your views in comments

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