Top 13 Weight Loss Mistakes

I used to be embarrassed about my body so much that I wore shirts to the pool.

I got so fed up with myself that I became obsessed about fat loss.

I got my body in shape & spent the past 18 years helping others do the same.

Here's what I learned:

1. Calories are determine how much weight you lose. Hormones determine your hunger & appetite.

2. One of the best things you can do is put your body on a schedule of eating. The more routine you can make eating the easier it is to diet.
3. Eliminate snacking & all form of mindless eating.

4. You don't need to eliminate carbs but you probably need to reduce the amount you're eating.
5. Keep liquid intake to water & zero calorie drinks as much as possible.

6. Getting a good night of sleep helps you burn fat by managing your appetite the next day. When you're low energy & mood you tend to eat more.
7. High stress individuals should eat breakfast & keep the fasting to nighttime. Eating your final meal 3-5 hours prior to sleeping is the best way to do that.

8. Protein is both anabolic & thermogenic. Eat at least .8 to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight in protein at all times.
9. The only fat loss pills that work are illegal. The rest are hot garbage.

10. Your workout must be optimized for retaining muscle. This is done through strength training & progressive overload.

11. The faster you try to lose weight the faster it comes back.
12. For maximum sustainability find a way to incorporate your favourite foods into your diet while losing weight.

13. The real goal is to lose the weight & to have the habits to keep it off for your entire lifetime so you never have to worry about weight gain ever again.
That's a wrap!

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