Want to gain followers and get popular on Twitter? Here’s how… 🧵🧵🧵 1/

There are three types of popular twitter accounts, each with their own difficulty setting:

1. The Content account (easy)
2. The Brand account (normal)
3. The Cult of Personality account (hard)
The Content account is strictly focused on one subject, to the extent that the author is all but invisible. Followers follow the content account for information on *one topic* and if the owner strays too far, too often, he will lose his audience.
The Brand account has a theme (finances, fitness, politics etc) but with a highly present author. Followers want the author’s input on particular topic(s)- giving the author more room to incorporate off-brand takes as well. The average popular twitter account is a Brand account.
However, if you stray too far off brand, you will be destroyed….
The Cult of Personality account has the highest degree of freedom because the audience is interested in the author above all else- he covers a wide range of topics and is documenting his intellectual journey in real time. This is the most difficult type of account to achieve.
The average unpopular Twitter user is similar to the Cult of Personality account in that they tweet random bullshit without any purpose or direction- the difference is that no one cares.
To gain traction on Twitter, write every single tweet as if it will be retweeted 10,000 times. Be highly specific with what you are saying and try to avoid pronouns. Every single tweet should be a complete idea unto itself.
To gain traction on Twitter, know when to be concise- brevity is the soul of wit.

To gain traction on Twitter, be sure to shit post as part of your content stream. The most popular tweets are a scant few, highly resonating words on top of an outrageous picture/media headline.
To gain traction on Twitter, attach pictures- a tweet with a picture is more likely to be read and retweeted. Even better if the picture is shocking or humorous.
To gain traction on Twitter, proofread your tweets. A tweet with a typo is less likely to be retweeted.
To gain traction on Twitter, bait large accounts into retweeting your replies. Know their content, brand, or proclivities and craft your tweets to fit their vision.

Remember: no pronouns, be specific.
To gain traction on Twitter, write long tweet threads that combine useful information and humor.

Craft each tweet with the idea that it is useful enough to be retweeted on its own, outside of the context of the entire thread.
…and when all else fails, post a link to your book

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Great article from @AsheSchow. I lived thru the 'Satanic Panic' of the 1980's/early 1990's asking myself "Has eveyrbody lost their GODDAMN MINDS?!"

The 3 big things that made the 1980's/early 1990's surreal for me.

1) Satanic Panic - satanism in the day cares ahhhh!

2) "Repressed memory" syndrome

3) Facilitated Communication [FC]

All 3 led to massive abuse.

"Therapists" -and I use the term to describe these quacks loosely - would hypnotize people & convince they they were 'reliving' past memories of Mom & Dad killing babies in Satanic rituals in the basement while they were growing up.

Other 'therapists' would badger kids until they invented stories about watching alligators eat babies dropped into a lake from a hot air balloon. Kids would deny anything happened for hours until the therapist 'broke through' and 'found' the 'truth'.

FC was a movement that started with the claim severely handicapped individuals were able to 'type' legible sentences & communicate if a 'helper' guided their hands over a keyboard.