Do you hop from strategy to strategy?

Can’t find consistent results?

Here's a step by step plan to fix that

Before we dive into how to fix it, we need to understand WHY we do this.

I’ve done it before, most people do it. It’s a common fault of trading.
The reason we do this is because we don’t have the confidence in a strategy that actually works.

What do I mean by works?🧐

I mean something that has been PROVEN and BACKTESTED to be profitable✅
For example, you may be trading inside day breakouts. What is the win% of that strategy?

What’s the average risk/reward ratio?

If there’s no way to define those numbers, you are gambling 🎲
Now we have addressed the problem.

Let’s get into how we fix it👇
1. Understand yourself🔑

You first need to understand YOUR style of trading. Are you able to hold onto positions for a long time? Or do you prefer getting in and out within minutes?

Are you able to take some drawdown while in your trades? Or you like to be in profit instantly?
2. Select your style🤪

Successful traders don’t use multiple strategies. They focus on one strategy/setup that works for them.

Use the answers from Step 1 to pick your style (Scalping, swing trading, futures, options, etc.)👇
3. Find your strategy📈

For this step you will need to pick your strategy. How will you get in? How will you get out?

Do you use indicators? Look at order flow? Options flow? Supply/Demand?

Find your strategy and create a specific set of rules as to how it operates.

If you need help finding a strategy, check the pinned tweet to my profile. It’s the strategy that’s allowed me to trade full time for the past 3 years 💸
4. Backtest📝

This is the time where you see if your strategy works. Win rate? R/R?

The most important part is seeing if your strategy is PROFITABLE in the long run
5. Trade 💰

If your strategy is profitable, then trade it! ONLY trade that one setup and watch the results come in over time ⏳

If your strategy isn’t profitable… repeat step 3.

OR… 👇
Use another strategy that is already working.

It could be from another trader on twitter (I like to think I’m pretty good 😂) or it could be an automated strategy you find online.

Whatever it is, make sure it’s backtested and proven to be profitable🔑
Well, that’s the end of my guide☹️

I write educational content on stocks, options, and futures.

If you like my content, feel free to shoot me a follow🙏

I have a lot more educational programs in the works so stay tuned!

Like + RT if you want me to make more threads🧵

More from FT Trading┃Stock Trader

I made 68 threads in 2022...

exposing everything I've learned in my 5 years of being a trader

Here's all of them:🧵

Before I dive in, it would mean the world to like + RT the tweet above to spread the knowledge with others👆

I take personal time out of my day to make these for you for FREE

When others are charging $5,000 courses for the same info...





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Starts the night before.

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Defining a "productive day" is crucial.

Or else you'll never be at peace (even with excellent output).

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2. End the workday with a shutdown ritual

Create a short shutdown ritual (hat-tip to Cal Newport). Close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 minutes tidying your desk. Then say, "shutdown."

Separating your life and work is key.

3. Journal 1 beautiful life moment

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