So what exactly is balance?
Balance can also be considered fair value. A price area where buyers and sellers are both comfortable trading.

Ever wonder how traders get in stocks before they explode? \U0001f9d0
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) October 27, 2021
Or find options that move 1,000% in a single day/week?\U0001f92f
I made a thread going over exactly how I find these stocks BEFORE they take off \U0001f680
I\u2019m a full time day/swing trader for a living.
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) October 20, 2021
I\u2019ve learned a lot through my time trading.
Here\u2019s a thread going over my exact trading strategy
As well as some helpful tips/tricks.
Ever wonder what the best tools for trading are? \U0001f528
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) December 28, 2021
Here are the top tools I use as a full-time trader\U0001f9f5
Ever let a winning trade turn red?
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) May 31, 2022
Or see price take off as soon as you cover your position?
Here's EXACTLY how I scale in and out of positions to stop THAT\U0001f446 from happening (from a full-time trader):
I've been trading full-time for the past 3 years using my supply/demand strategy
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) June 1, 2022
Here's the ONE reason why you're supply/demand strategy isn't working: \U0001f9f5
99% of traders look at volume...
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) June 2, 2022
yet the majority of traders are using it WRONG
Here's how I used volume to make 6 figures trading last year:\U0001f9f5
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) November 28, 2020
Been getting lot of dm's from people telling me they want to learn option trading and need some recommendations.
Here I'm listing the resources every beginner should go through to shorten their learning curve.
The absolute best 15 scanners which experts are using.
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) January 29, 2021
Got these scanners from the following accounts:
1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sanjufunda
3. @sanstocktrader
4. @SouravSenguptaI
5. @Rishikesh_ADX
Share for the benefit of everyone.
12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) February 7, 2021
These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:
1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili
Share for the benefit of everyone.
Curated tweets on How to Sell Straddles
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) February 21, 2021
Everything covered in this thread.
1. Management
2. How to initiate
3. When to exit straddles
4. Examples
5. Videos on Straddles
Share if you find this knowledgeable for the benefit of others.
Ironies of Luck
— Morgan Housel (@morganhousel) March 14, 2018
"Luck is the flip side of risk. They are mirrored cousins, driven by the same thing: You are one person in a 7 billion player game, and the accidental impact of other people\u2019s actions can be more consequential than your own."
Meet Yang Ruifu, CCP's biological weapons expert via @Gnews202064
— Billy Bostickson \U0001f3f4\U0001f441&\U0001f441 \U0001f193 (@BillyBostickson) October 11, 2020
Interesting expose of China's top bioweapons expert who oversaw fake pangolin research
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