VEDIC COSMOLOGY, also known as Hindu Cosmology, and cosmography are both interesting and inspiring. Today’s “modern” Vedic texts originated around 3,000 B.C.E. This is the oldest scientific and the oldest religious doctrine known to the human race.

Our current astronomy of the solar system and universe has its roots in Vedic knowledge. It only shows that man had advanced knowledge of astronomy way before our current civilization came into existence.
We are here to talk about the Vedic version of the planetary system,
starting at the top from the eternal planets to the temporary planetary system within innumerable universes in the material world.

Talking about “cosmic manifestation,” we need to incorporate both spiritual and material existence.
The spiritual realm of the planets is everlasting, and this will forever be beyond what the material universe can encapsulate. The spiritual realm belongs to the “super dimensional” or “anti-material” dimension. It means that it is beyond what we can perceive,
beyond time as a linear dimension, and the space of our vision and perception.

There are innumerable planets, all indestructible and forever lasting. That is what the Vedas say about the spiritual planets. Our concentration here is more towards the material side of things.
At some point in time, the material planetary systems are created, and they will be destroyed at another point in time. Time and space influence the material planetary system. Both of them have the same source of energy, the “brahmajoyti” – the spiritual light.
A statement in Bhagavad Gita states that the material planets of our universe are divided into three parts. Namely, they are “urdhvaloka” (highest), “Madhya-loka” (middle), and “adho-loka” (lower). Above the highest loka, the eternal realms lie.
According to Vedic Cosmology, there are 14 main planetary systems in these three spheres, each with different standards of life and duration of existence. In the urdhvaloka, there are n diseases or signs of aging of the body, and fear is an unknown sense in the realm.
As we move downward,the life duration decreases&there is a greater manifestation of disease&anxiety
These planetary systems r
“Above the planetary systems where humans live is the sky. Above the sky is the orbiting sun, which is the entrance point of the heavenly planetary systems. This is the middle of the universe where the planets of those elevated by great austerities and penances begin.
The planets above these, up to Satya-loka, are the residences of those advanced in spiritual knowledge.
All these planets are within the material world and under the control of Devi (Goddess Durga),and therefore called Devi-Dhama or Devi Loka,”a Vedic scripture“Hari-Vamsa” reads.
We might not conceive the residents of heavenly planets as they are known to be deathless, Amara. Even though they live for millions of years by our calculation, nobody in the material world can live forever in this.
According to Bhagavad-Gita, one day in the heavenly world is equal to 4,300,000,000 solar years.

Thus, the sense of time is different in different planets and planetary systems. Moreover, the living beings are also different, including the vegetation.
On other planets, Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon, one day equals six months on earth. These are visible to us and are considered to be heavenly planets.

“If they are the same planets orbiting the Sun, how can that be?”
It might be hard to realize this. But one must know that different planets have different dimensions surrounding them. If we look at the other planets through our eyes, it gives us the impression that other planets are devoid of life.
But many scientists and researchers have shown today that other planets might even hold life. But what our physical eyes can’t do is enter the heavenly spears of these planets, where devas, angels, and higher beings live. They are far superior to our planet earth.
Moreover, there are different types of oceans on different planets in the material world. According to Siddhanta-Shiromani, an ancient Vedic text, there are seven varieties of oceans:
An ocean of saltwater
An ocean of milk
An ocean of curd
An ocean of ghee (clarified butter)
An ocean of sugar cane juice
An ocean of liquor
An ocean of sweet water
Our is the ocean of salt, and there are six other varieties elsewhere.
Within the material universe, there are some eternal planets. But they will always be inaccessible for human beings.
Laghu-Bhagvatamrita,a Vedic text,describes them as“Above Rudraloka,the planet of God Shiva is the planet called Vishnuloka.Its 400000 miles in circumference&inaccessible for any mortal living being.

Above the Vishnulok is a golden island called MahaVishnulok in the ocean of salt
Brahma and other demigods sometimes go there to meet Bhagwan Vishnu. Bhagwan Vishnu lies there with Lakshmi. East of here is the “ocean of milk,” where within is the island of Svetadvipa, where Lord Vishnu also resides with Goddess Lakshmi.
His transcendental island is 200,000 square miles and covered with desire trees for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord.”
Dhruvaloka is what it is known as, and we see it as a polestar. This planet is 3,800,000 yojanas above the sun (one yojana is equal to eight miles).
Above the Dhruvaloka is Maharloka, by 10,000,000 yojanas, further above by 20,000,000 yojanas is Janaloka, further above by 120,000,000 yojanas is Satyaloka, further beyond by 26,200,000 yojanas is Vaikuntha.
The outer covering of the universe begins 260,000,000 yojanas above the sun, according to the scriptures of “Vishnu Purana.” Below the earth lies the planetary systems of Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala, and Patala, about 70,000 yojanas below.
Even below these lies the Garbhodaka Ocean, where Sesa Naga lives, about 30,000 yojanas below these planets. That ocean is 249,800,000 yojanas deep.

Thus, the approximate diameter of the universe is 500 million yojanas; in miles, it is 4 billion.
They are calculated by using the plane of existence; the actual distance maybe even more.

At the higher planetary systems, one can find the realms of devas, demigods, and angels. For ghostly spirits, there is the Bhuvarloka, and for the Nagas,
...there are the lower planets populated by those of the demonic consciousness. As we go up, we find the development of higher consciousness, which includes the advanced intellectuality, starting from human beings and going beyond it.

Jayatu Sanatan 🙏❤

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