I've seen & written tens of thousands of emails in my life,

And generated $50M+ for my clients through email marketing.

Here are 6 Commandments of Email that should never be broken👇

#1. Get attention in the subject line

Consumers get more emails than ever before.

You're not just competing with other brands...

...you're competing with other brands AND their personal emails.

(not only that, but other online forms of communication like social media)
So if you're not grabbing attention with your subject line?

Your emails are more likely to be lost in the inbox.

Check out this thread for tips on subject lines👇

#2. Use intrigue in the preview text

The preview text is almost as important as your subject line.

If your subject line captures your subscribers attention?

The preview text should then sell the click.

Use your preview text to tease the content/value of inside the email body.
#3. Focus on one idea only

Copywriting 101:

Focus on ONE big idea.

Especially with email, you don't have space to say 10 different things...

Your message will turn out weak.


Make your email all about one idea only - and nothing else.
#4. Deliver value in the body

You should always be delivering value with your emails.

If you don't?

Subscribers will stop clicking into your emails, no matter how good the subject line is.

Emails must ALWAYS offer value.


This doesn't always mean hard teaching.
#5. Have a clear CTA

Emails should always be leading subscribers to do ONE thing.

The only way to do this is by following all the first 4 steps,

And then having a clear CTA at the end.

Which leads me to the last commandment...
#6. Sell the click, not the product

Especially with eCommerce,

Emails are meant to sell the click, not the product.

Fitting an entire product/sales page in an email isn't wise.


Make your emails short & snappy, leading to high click-throughs to the product page.
These 6 commandments are a cheat code for writing profitable emails...

But it's only the beginning.

If you want my entire system,

Including lessons learned from selling over $50 Million worth of eCommerce products with email?

Grab my course👇https://t.co/rPkZAwEKuf

More from Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧

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