As an agency owner, it's important to set clear expectations and guidelines from day one of a client relationship

Here's the contract we use to do that


Before diving into pages of legal jargon, we open the contract with a professional looking "overview" page to build trust and summarize the following pages.
The next page outlines our Scope of Work so there's mutual understanding of both parties' responsibilities from day one.

This is an important precedent to set, because the client-agency relationship requires input from both sides in order to be successful.
Before jumping into the legalities of the contract, we provide the client with a project timeline so they know what to expect from us in terms of launching & managing their campaigns.

We keep this brief and save the details for our onboarding call.
Now for the important legal terms of our contract...

Of course, we get paid for each call we book for the client and charge a setup fee to take care of the initial expenses needed to get campaigns started.
A clear Invoices procedure ensures you get paid on time, and if you don't, the client will have to pay interest until you do get paid.

Unless you're dealing with a bad client, you should never run into an issue with interest... 7 days is more than enough time to pay an invoice.
Something that's brought up regularly in the Pay Per Call model is the quality of the calls booked...

This amendment sets clear expectations on the quality of booked calls.
Obviously not every call booked will be qualified, which is why we don't guarantee that every call will be.

We still need to be paid for every call booked, or else we'd have to charge a lot more than $300 per call.
We do our best to make sure every call is qualified, and give the client plenty of opportunity to give us feedback on the calls they have.

Here's a thread on how to setup a client feedback loop for the quality of calls booked 👇
Next, there's a clear "Terms" agreement to ensure clients can't just drop the relationship without proper reasoning and notice.

Something to note here is the 90 day commitment, which gives us plenty of time to optimize campaigns without the risk of the agreement being ended.
Once the 90 day window has passed, either us or the client may end the relationship with a 14 day wind-up period.

This 14 day window lets us wind down campaigns and take advantage of any conversations that may still lead to booked calls.
This part is important.. every agency contract needs to make it clear that you're an Independent Contractor and not an employee of the client.

Needs to be clear that you as the agency are in charge of the work, not the client.
This section also provides clarity and comfort for the client, as it details how we as the agency can't enter into contracts or act on behalf of the client.
Finally, a Next Steps page recaps the agreement, outlines clear CTAs for the client to begin work with us, and prompts the client to sign the contract to begin work.
Contracts are an extremely important part of running an agency...

They protect your time and effort, give the client more clarity on the relationship, and establish clear responsibilities for both sides to get started working together.
Hopefully there's a thing or two you're able to implement into your contract from this thread,

And as always be sure to follow me for more actionable threads just like this one @andrehaykaljr :)

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