Here’s a compilation of Personal Finance threads I have written so far. Thank you for motivating me to do it.

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Yes Bank’s additional Tier 1 bonds, written off. Lakshmi Villas Banks Tier 2 bonds, written off. Understand what & why of ATI and Tier 2 bonds in this thread. (1/n)
'Floating Rate Funds' - A case for debt investing in the current interest rate situation (2/n)
Fixed Income investment strategies

It’s a misconception that FD, RBI Bond, PPF etc have no risk. The reason we don’t see the risk in them is because for us, risk ONLY means loss of capital. (3/n)
Index Funds v/s ETFs

While index funds and ETF’s look similar, there are multiple differences you need to keep in mind before investing in either of them. Let me highlight the important ones (4/n)
Physical Gold v/s Digital Gold v/s Gold ETF v/s Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) (5/n)
With Kotak launching its International REIT Fund of Fund NFO, it is worth revisiting our old thread on Real Estate Investment Trust (#REIT). The Idea is to educate readers on REIT & share our view on the Kotak #NFO (6/n)
Alpha is not fund return – index return (excess returns over benchmark), that’s called active returns and not Alpha. Alpha means excess returns over ‘minimum expected returns’ from the fund (7/n)
Parag Parikh Long Term Equity fund will be introducing 'covered call strategy' in the fund. This can be a game changer for the fund in a market that does not steeply go up or moves up gradually or stays sideways or even falls (8/n)
There seems to be a fair bit of confusion amongst investors on what’s happening in arbitrage funds. Let me explain the arbitrage space and how it works with MFs. (9/n)
What was the NBFC package by RBI all about and will it help MFs? (10/n)
I am afraid that media reporting that FT investors will receive money around the average maturity of the fund may not really work that way. Reports say, if FT Ultra short is 0.62 years Average Maturity, pay back will be roughly 7-8 months, I doubt! (11/n)
RBI announced 50k cr Liquidity to the MF industry through banks. How does it work? (12/n)
What is Long Term Repo Operation (LTRO) (13/n)
What are #perpetual #bonds (perps) / additional tier 1 capital bonds (14/n)
What and how of the National Pension Scheme (NPS) (15/n)
Liquidity is fueling the stock market rally says everyone. What is this liquidity? How does it get created? How does it fuel stocks, commodities? (Thread) (16/n)
In this #IPO frenzy market, lets talk about some basics around
-Allotment process
-IPO Funding
-Grey Market (17/n)
In such a low interest rate scenario, what if I tell you, there is a product, which pays 8.5%, tax free, default risk free & also gives you deduction under 80C, would you invest?

Follow this thread on EPF v/s VPF (18/n)
Markets at 40 PE and yet not falling. How do valuations actually work? A basic premier on valuations for retail investors (19/n)
A basic primer on the banking sector, demystifying commonly used terms,
Wholesale Banking
Net Interest Income (NII)
Cost of Liability
Advances Growth
Gross v/s Net NPA
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Net Interest Margin (NIM) (20/n)
A basic primer on the Indian Paint sector

With the listing of Indigo paints, JSW entering the paint sector & now Grasim announcing to invest 5,000 cr in the sector, lets explore,
-Company (21/n)
Immediate take aways from the budget 2021 for the tax payers and investors (22/n)
A primer on 'Investing in Debt Mutual Funds' for retail investors.

Do hit the re-tweet and help us educate more investors (23/n)
The what, why and how of the new 'Retail Direct' announced by RBI to allow retail investors to directly invest in the G-Sec market (24/n)
What is currently happening in the Debt markets?

- RBI announcing 14 days variable reverse repo
- Government talking about 12L cr of borrowing
- RBI announcing 20,000 cr of OMO

Lets demystify! (25/n)
After writing on Banking & Paints, this thread focuses on the 'Logistic Sector'.

This thread covers,
- Macro
- Business Model
- 3PL & 4PL
- Valuation (26/n)
Why increase in Bond yields is creating panic in the equity market?

Also, how does Gold generally react in such times? (27/n)
Trying a YouTube video instead of a thread this time.

Topic - Invest in Passive at market bottom & active strategies at market top.

Video Link - (28/n)
Personal Finance 101 - All my learnings from the mistakes I made & see investors make. (29/n)
Not sure of how will the Debt mutual funds react to the change in valuation rules of AT1 & Tier 2 bonds and what should you do? (30/n)
A primer on small saving schemes (31/n)
What are covered bonds? (32/n)
A primer on InvITs (33/n)
A primer on the sugar sector. How it works, global perspective and what to look for in the sugar companies (34/n)
A primer on the Steel sector (35/n)
What are fund of fund (FOF) schemes in a mutual fund, types, taxation and valuations (36/n)

More from Kirtan A Shah

Personal Finance 101 – My learning’s about investing

This topic is for everyone, whether you manage your money yourself or through your advisor, it will go a long way in managing your finances.

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Subscribe to our YouTube for some interesting educational content around Personal Finance -

And you can also join our Telegram channel for regular updates – (2/n)

(1) Lets start with Life Insurance

Term Insurance is the best way to take an insurance cover & probably the only product to buy in life insurance. Make sure u disclose all the necessary information before taking the insurance. Smoking, Alcohol, any pre-existing deceases etc(3/n)

Have atleast 10-15 times of your annual income as insurance cover

But there are variants of term insurance that you should avoid (4/n)

(A) Term plan with return of premium

For a non-smoker born on the 1st Jan 1985 & policy term 39 years (till age 75), the regular premium for a 1-cr term insurance is 22,157 (inclusive of GST) but with returns of premium is 42670 (inclusive of GST). An increase of 20,513 (5/n)
Should you add more in Equity or redeem right now?

A thread 🧵to guide retail on why & what should they do at these historic market highs.

Do ‘re-tweet’ and help us educate more retail investors (1/n)

#investing #StockMarket

Some investors feel that markets are trading at a PE of 27 vs 10 years historical average of 20 and a market-cap to GDP of 105 vs historical average of 79 and hence markets look expensive (2/n)

But, in such crazy liquidity driven markets, prices can move much ahead of the fundamentals & suddenly we start hearing commentaries of how the market is pricing in the earnings of FY 22 & 23 to justify the rally

If you r new to fundamentals, 👇 can help

Results for Q4 have come out very well but that is also because of the lower base effect of the last year.

Over the last many years, markets have corrected 10-15% each calendar year. Can it happen this year as well? Can very much and that can be a great entry point. Why? (4/n)

There are a lot of over hangs in the near term,
-Crude going up
-$ index moving up
-Inflation moving up
-COVID uncertainties
All of the above are –ve for markets & liquidity on the other side driving markets up, its impossible to judge the near term movement of the markets (5/n)

More from All

1. Mini Thread on Conflicts of Interest involving the authors of the Nature Toilet Paper:
Kristian G. Andersen
Andrew Rambaut
Ian Lipkin
Edward C. Holmes
Robert F. Garry

2. Thanks to @newboxer007 for forwarding the link to the research by an Australian in Taiwan (not on

3. K.Andersen didn't mention "competing interests"
Only Garry listed Zalgen Labs, which we will look at later.
In acknowledgements, Michael Farzan, Wellcome Trust, NIH, ERC & ARC are mentioned.
Author affiliations listed as usual.
Note the 328 Citations!

4. Kristian Andersen (1)
Andersen worked with USAMRIID & Fort Detrick scientists on research, with Robert Garry, Jens Kuhn & Sina Bavari among

5. Kristian Andersen (2)
Works at Scripps Research Institute, which WAS in serious financial trouble, haemorrhaging 20 million $ a year.
But just when the first virus cases were emerging, they received great news.
They issued a press release dated November 27, 2019:

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