How to get your first $2,000 in the next 2 months

Even if you don't have a skill or service to sell

A thread:

I feel you

You don't know anything about this make money online

You don't have any concrete skills

You have no idea what to sell, who to sell, etc.
Well, I was in your position last year

I didn't know anything about anything and was completely overwhelmed by all the information out there

So many threads

So many courses

But none of them tell the basics
Let's solve all your problems, here
No matter how many problems you may have

You will solve all of them and get your first client in the next 60 days

What skills are required to make money online?

1. How to use a computer
2. Copywriting
3. Sales

That's it for now.

You can learn everything else in less than 1 week, after that, it's all about experience and expertise.
Now how do you learn copywriting and sales?

1. By practising.
2. And by going over the resources that I recommend at the end of this thread.

Keep reading.
Now that we have the skills part figured out, we need to figure out what service to sell?

You can sell anything from Graphic Design to Cold outreach to FB ads lead generation.

But we will go over each one, one by one.
1. Facebook ads

You can sell this to local businesses the most easily.

Say HVAC, chiropractors, etc.

But you can also sell this to digital-based agencies like those who sell web design, branding, social media marketing etc.
In the end, you can sell this to shopify stores but it's incredibly competitive out there for that niche.
2. Cold Outreach

Here you will do outreach (cold email, Linkedin, cold calling)

from your client's name and help them get on calls with their idea; clients.

You can sell this to:
👉 Mobile app dev companies
👉 Web dev agencies
👉 CRM consultants
👉 Integration consultants
👉 No code agencies
👉 Marketing agencies (SEO, FB ads, etc)

Just choose one and start.
3. Email Marketing

Follow @ecomchasedimond for everything email marketing and get his course.

Go to ecom stores

Tell them, if you want to make more money from the same customers, let's work together!

Give a concrete number

I will help you increase your total revenue by at least 60%.

And then do it

You need testimonials (more about this later)

Next, we have the easiest thing to do if you know nothing.
4. Web Design

You don't need coding to make websites.

Follow @thedankoe & @IAmAaronWill

And learn from them how they easily charge $5,000 for making websites.
Now I have given you 4 things you can do.

Choose 1, and then go all in.

Let's see how you can go from here:

Figure out the best niche according to the service you have chosen.

Now you need to build your offer and dream clients ICP

Prepare a list of the 150 good clients you want to take

Now segment these150 people into 5 groups of 30 each based on their revenue & industry
Next, we get a simple landing page on carrd

And a domain from google domains.

Here's what you don't need:
❎ A logo

Think about these 2 after you close your first deal, not before that.

Now you need to do outreach.

But we have a systematic approach to that also.
You first figure out where your niche spends their time...

Here's a small cheat sheet:
Local Businesses 👉 Facebook ads or cold calling

Follow @immarkwilliam and learn how he has scaled his FB ads agency so well
Digital-based business 👉 Cold email and/or LinkedIn Outreach

Follow @linkedin_king and learn everything about LinkedIn outreach
Want to learn cold email?

Get cold email mastery by @blackhatwizardd
Now for your first case study or testimonial

You may need to work for free for some time.

And that's completely good.

You need to have proof that what you're selling works and people will benefit from it.

So don't shy away from working for free initially.
Now, how do you decrease the time you work for free and get paid fast?

Instead of pitching "I will work with you for 2 months for free in exchange of a case study"

(btw the above offer is really good)

You can say something like "I'll give you 2 qualified leads for free"
Now you send cold emails, do LinkedIn outreach

Or if you have to do cold calling, learn from @sean0to10k

And get your first $2k-$3k client.
You'll also need to get on sales calls to close clients

Learn to handle objections from @ROGUEWEALTH & @alexh459
You don't need a sales script.

Just ask them 5-8 questions to make sure they are the right fit for your service, and then explain your service and show results & testimonials you got while working for free.
If you actually want to scale your agency past 2-3 clients you need 2 things:

1. Good systems & automations

Get Outbound on Autopilot from @NickAbraham12
2. A really good team

Now, this is the overview of how to get your first client.

I laid down everything you need to get your first client

And if you need a step-by-step Roadmap of starting your own agency and scaling it to $25k+

Get Agency Cashflow RoadmapDown👇
Read this thread if you want book recos and other resources
Follow me @donvesh for more such awesome threads!

If this thread gets 250 retweets

I'll do a 1-hour free workshop going even deeper into all of this and answering questions!
Rt this if you found it useful and are interested in the workshop

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