A #story from #Thiruvilayadal puranam-one of divine leelas of Bhagwan Shiva

#threadseries #madurai

Story 14- it is about how Ukkirapandian shattered the crown of Indra Dev using Valai( curved ring type bangle)

இந்திரன் முடிமேல் வளையெறிந்த படலம்

Due to the wrath of Indra Dev there was no rain in the kingdoms.There was a severe drought & people suffered a lot. Not only Pandya kingdom,but also Chera,Chola kingdoms were also facing famine.All 3 Rajas - Chera,Chola & Pandya raja decided to seek the advice of Agasthiya Rishi.
They travelled to pothigai malai to meet him.They explained the present situation on their kingdoms due to failure of monsoon.Agathisya Rishi analyzed &told them that due to planetary positions there will be no rains for another 12 https://t.co/3XzBe9GuBs he advised to meet Indra
They asked Agasthiya Rishi on how they can go to Indralok. Agasthiya Rishi advised them to take up -Somavara Vratham to get blessings of Bhagwan Shiva that will help them reach Indralok.Rishi shared on how one should perform this vrat.3 Rajas thanked Agasthiya Rishi for guidance.
They went back to their kingdoms & observed several Somavara Vrata.Later it reaped with benefits, they were able to travel to indralok.Knowing their intentions, Indra arranged 3 seats at a lower level than his throne in the court.He showed then seats & asked them to be seated.
Cheran & Chola Raja occupied those lower seats ,but pandya went & sat near Indra.Indra Dev was irked by action of Ukkirapandian.
Chera & Chola told about famine in thier kingdoms& Indra assured for adequate rainfall.But Ukkirapandian didn't utter a word.
Indra was surprised.
Indra Dev wanted hurt the pride of https://t.co/pVx2LXNoUh thought of making him wear a heavy pearl garland to humiliate him in his https://t.co/8xFI5w6THU his surprise, Ukkirapandian effortlessly wore that heavy pearl garland & thanked Indra Dev &then returned to Madurai.
As promised,Chera & Chola kingdoms were blessed with rainfall.But there was still drought in Pandya kingdom.Ukkirapandian later noticed 4 large black clouds of Indra ,he imprisoned them & brought to Madurai.Indra dev upon knowing this got furious.A fierce battle happened.
Ukkirapandian easily neutralized the divine weapons.Lastly Indra used powerful Vajrayutha.Then Ukkirapandian took the Valai given by Sundara Pandyan & threw it towards Indra Dev.Valai blocked Vajrayutha & it went ahead & shattered the crown of Indra.Indra felt ashamed &went away
Indra thanked Bhagwan Shiva for saving his head from Valai.Later Indra sent message to Ukkirapandian to release the clouds&promised that his kingdom will receive timely https://t.co/WpcDOvMxBu promised upon release of clouds,his kingdom received rainfall.Soon prosperity returned.
Next Thiruvilayadal is about Ukkira Pandyan's encounter with Meru Moutain & how Chendu (Club type weapon) helped him.

📸 - resp. owner

Source txt-Based on Divine Games of Shiva/various blog with these stories

Om Namah Shivaya 🙏
Will post the next #Thiruvilayadal next week

Thanks for reading 🙏

To read the previous 13 #Thiruvilayadal ,do see the below #Threads 👇
Cc -@BharatTemples_ @Jayalko1
@GunduHuDuGa @vishramrm
@almightykarthik @Elf_of_Shiva_
@cpraveentrader @Hiranyaa_
@bhargava_06 @InfoVedic
@punarutthana @The_Atreya
@Dr_MridulaVgk @soil_Legion
@Itishree001 @narayanagl

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