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GitHub Repositories to Crush any Programming Interview 🔥

Take advantage of these amazing GitHub repositories to land your dream job.

A Thread 🧵👇


Coding Interview University is a complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

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2. https://t.co/eh64u3MndC

Tech Interview Handbook has curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers.

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3. https://t.co/u60cXhUQO2

This repo contains a huge list of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions.

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4. https://t.co/mmgCIz1huT

JavaScript Algorithms has JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures explained.

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5 great code snippet websites for every web developer and designer


1️⃣ 30 Seconds of Code

- Short code snippets for all your development needs


2️⃣ Free Frontend

- Free hand-picked HTML, CSS and JavaScript (jQuery, React, Vue) code examples, tutorials and articles

🔗 https://t.co/2sIAm73EdZ

3️⃣ Little Snippets

- A free collection of HTML and CSS code snippets

🔗 https://t.co/qxAyA2wA6U

4️⃣ CSS Deck

- Collection of Awesome CSS and JS Creations to help out frontend developers and designers.

🔗 https://t.co/LcZYnipvCy
The quickest way to learn JavaScript is by having the right resources.

Here are some good resource to learn JavaScript.


🔹JavaScript Prototype - 🔗

🔹ES6 - 🔗 https://t.co/IHTeDChse9

🔹Variable Scoping - 🔗 https://t.co/iXIhYDHk8L

🔹JavaScript Closures - 🔗

🔹Asynchrony - 🔗 https://t.co/GMuxhvRnq1

🔹ES6 Promises - 🔗

🔹Async/Await - 🔗 https://t.co/bsgq5dWAlc

🔹Modules - 🔗

🔹Currying - 🔗

🔹Partial Functions - 🔗 https://t.co/7tAat1ikIX

🔹JavaScript Polymorphism - 🔗 https://t.co/g4eQQRSyAp


🔹HTML to React -

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Roadmap to become Full-Stack developer in 2021

🧵A Thread🧵

Table Of Content

💻 How The Internet Works
🔚 Front End
🖥 Operating Systems
📕 Languages
🖲 Version Control
📓 Relational Database
📔 NoSQL Database
♻️ Caching
🔒 Security
📙 Development Concepts
🏯 Software Architecture
🧊 Containers
📬 Servers
⚖️ Scalability

How The Internet Works 💻

1. What happens when you go to
2. Introduction to Networks
3. Browser Networking
4. IP Addresses
5. HTTP/2
6. What is domain name?
7. What is hosting?

Advanced Front End 🔚

2. CSS
3. JavaScript
4. React

Operating Systems 🖥

1. Using the command line
2. What is an operating system?
3. Memory
4. Unix Programming
5. Bash-Scripting Guide
6. Thread & Concurrency
7. Process Management
8. Interprocess Communication
9. Basic Networking
10. Basic Terminal Commands
20 Cheat Sheets Website For Developers

A Master Thread 🧵

1. OverAPI

OverAPI is a website that aggregates cheat sheets for many popular web programming languages such as Javascript, NodeJS, PHP, Python, CSS.


2. Awesome-Cheatsheets

It is a collection of popular web programming language Cheatsheets.


3. Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet

Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet is a site that aggregates all the functions and displays the components in Bootstrap version 4.3.1


4. GitSheet

GitSheet is an aggregator of commands that you often use with Git. For each statement, it describes detail
You can use CSS generators to avoid some time-consuming, routine tasks.

I made a collection of the best CSS generators for you.


1. Neumorphism/Soft UI generator

CSS code generator that will help with colors, gradients, and shadows to adopt this new design trend or discover its possibilities.


2. Smooth Shadow generator

Built by @funkensturm.

Link: https://t.co/NNuBGLCtF5

3. Fancy Border Radius Generator

Generator to build organic shapes with CSS3 border-radius.

Built by @supremebeing09

Link: https://t.co/s4zT1hMWP7

4. Easing Gradients

Supercharge your gradients with a non-linear color mix and custom color spaces.

Built by @larsenwork

Link: https://t.co/8Nn952uPRX