ObayuwanaPaul Authors Harsh Makadia

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Consistency isn't enough to grow on Twitter.

Here are 21 formats that helped me reach 64,000+ followers.

Marketing and Copywriting Practical Guide 🧵:

In this thread, we will go over:

1. Tweet Formats
2. Twitter Threads Hooks

Warning: You're about to steal some of my secrets that will level up your Twitter game.

Grab a cup of coffee Hot ☕️

1. Better Presentation

Try to differentiate from the rest.

Good presentation and message passing are crystal clear.

People stop scrolling as they see something new.

Tweet Link:

2. Share your experience with someone who is starting today

Share some of the common mistakes people make based on your experience.

Tweet Link:

3. Use Emoji's like a bullet

Easy to relate to and understand faster.

Tweet Link:
Web development is ever-changing.

Did you know you can build and host websites for $0?

Here are 10 No-Code Tools to Create a Website in under 10 Minutes 🧵:

{ 1 } @typedreamHQ - A powerful builder that is simple and intuitive – like Notion

✅ Create & publish a beautiful website
✅ Custom Domain
✅ SEO-Friendly
✅ Fast with Static Pages
✅ Easy Columns & Layouts


{ 2 } @carrd - Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.

✅ Widgets + Embeds
✅ 3rd Party Integration
✅ Free for 3 sites
✅ Responsive
✅ Pre-defined templates

🔗 https://t.co/3YK6X3EcZD

@carrd { 3 } @unicornplatform - It's a sexy landing page builder for startups and no code makers.

✅ Pre-Defined templates
✅ Edit pages online with the visual builder
✅ 3rd Party Integration
✅ Add Custom Code

🔗 https://t.co/rsYqItyUi7

@carrd @unicornplatform { 4 } @softr_io - Build powerful websites, web apps, and client portals on Airtable, in 10 minutes!

✅ Use airtable as a database
✅ 60+ building blocks to choose from
✅ Authentication & User Management
✅ Payment Integration

🔗 https://t.co/Gug24F6o1m