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Hi @EdinburghUni @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The DIVERSITY INFORMATION section in yr job application mentions 'legal equality duties'. You then ask "What is your gender identity?" with options



'Gender identity' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.


Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology - 'non-binary' and 'other' are not valid options.

'Gender identity' is not a synonym for sex.


You then ask "Does your gender identity match your sex registered at birth?"


Again, 'gender identity' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.

The thing about trauma, is that when something happens that reminds you of your trauma (a similar event, or a similar smell, or taste, or some other stimuli). It triggers a trauma response in you. This manifests in different ways for different people.

So, in terms of people in Melbourne freaking out about Sydney's seemingly lacking response to the current outbreak, coupled with the new cases in Victoria - this is going to trigger a trauma response.

The lockdown was traumatising.

How much, depends on the individual.

When you have a trauma response, it is physically terrifying. Your adrenaline might surge. You could feel afraid. You could feel angry. You might react by lashing out. You might shut down. You might have anxiety that it is all "going to happen again".

Or that you don't think you could survive another lockdown, because you barely survived the last one.

These are all natural and normal responses, and I know they are hard, and I am so sorry if you're feeling this fear.

I don't know what is going to happen.
I do hope that you can do your best to be safe. Try to take each moment as it comes, do the best you can do to get by.
Please find helplines below.
Beyond Blue Covid Mental Health call 1800 512 348 (also online