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@Keane1975 Die Forschung mit Virenmanipulation und mRNA Impfstoffen geht dem schon seitlich weit voraus.
- zum Bau des Labors in Wuhan durch BioMerieux -> Bancel jetzt Moderna
- Werbebroschüre BioMerieux (CEPI GAVI Einbindung)
- Moderna ominöser geheimer weiterer Impfstoff

Bau des Labors in Wuhan BioMerieux Beteiligung

Bancel BioMerieux

Mehr zum Bau des Labors durch BioMerieus in Wuhan (Stephane Bancel ex BioMerieux jetzt

Bancel BioMerieux Wuhan
Fondation Merieux
Pushing the
CEPI Dialogue

Excellent presentation to see, how they, including Bancel, had layed out the narrative.
Quess, what they had specifically included in their list of targeted viruses?

Fondation Merieux 2017
Almost basking about their list being more inclusive, more emergent viruses based.

Fondation Merieux 2017
Narrative: "Look, what ZIKA has done to your populace. Nasty ZIKA."

How much of that ZIKA damage was actually related to a virus? Was there a computer guy, who had invested in mosquitos as a vector?

Fondation Merieux 2017
What is the advanges of a programme like CEPI.

And for who?

Let me translate: They want a coordinated vaccine production, with only one strong production pipeline, and solidly regulated pathsways.
Provide the incentives for big pharma.

They've made it.

Vision - look at nasty ZIKA, you surely do not want that
Mission - get the pipeline going of (only) the big ones
Scope - the anti-cancer platforms with their DNA, mRNA basis fit perfectly. They so far do not sell very well, but they could be recycled.

Correct me, if I am wrong.
2015-Harari in a talk at Google

"Communism was the first techno-religion"..."It promised peace, prosperity, paradise, but here on Earth with the use of technology" & says communism emerges out of industrial revolutions

2022-4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset/BBB, C 19


Elon Musk's ex-wife 'Grimes' says "AI is the fastest path to

Klaus Schwab, 2016, on the 4th Industrial Revolution, "it will change actually us, our own identities"


Harari Speech at World Economic Forum 2018,

Essentially we have a group of elites in the corporate, government, technological, & scientific circles taking it upon themselves to create a new global system. A system emerging out of the pandemic, which they are directly benefitting
80% of diseases not treatable with 'conventional medicine'. Protein treatment as an alternative with drawbacks.
An 80% market for mRNA. Yet, the vector is the bottleneck causing the limitation.
Viral V is almost a 'use once only' bcs of antibody formation.
LNP sole way to push.

mRNA Therapy - with a gargantuan market - in dire need for a vector.
Viral vectors as a dead ally until 2015.
mRNA Therapy meets enormous resentments.

Luckily, billions of people have now got first hand experience. Obviously, AZ was not that useful in the general drift.

LNP instead of a vector

ALC-0159, DSPC
"This product is for research use only and not for human use."

'EMA Zulassung ohne

Official statement by Echelon
Paraphrased - "we do produce it, but only for use in labs.
Pfizer get theirs from other companies. With them it is safe in humans."

No study data presented
A reference to GMP as 'safe in humans'

ALC-0159, DSPC


This paper claims "It is just like another fatty compound. You eat salad oil and chips as well"

No, it is not.
(1/n) The important role of natural killer (NK) cells in COVID-19.
A summary of key insights:
- NK cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes & part of the innate immune system
- They play an important role in virus infection control & immunomodulation

- The NK cell proliferation ability declines with age: older people have a decreased ability to produce NC cells rapidly:

- As early as June 2020, it was hypothesised that NCCs could be key in explaining severe COVID-19 courses:

- Indeed, it was later found that NK cells from COVID-19 patients do not function well:

- The activity of NK cells is downregulated by the cytokine transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)
- Blood serum of patients with severe COVID-19 inhibits NK cell function in a TGFβ-dependent manner:
CW: Extremely detailed and disturbing firsthand account of what happened at the Travis Scott concert/Astroworld in Houston where 8 people died and hundreds were injured. Including alleged negligence by concert staff. Credit: SeannaFaith, IG.

We will be following this story and giving updates @StatusCoup (follow) as well as via (subscribe) - we're independent media and all about *TRUTH* and giving the microphone back to the people.

Travis Scott eerily watches on (could he not see?) as unconscious fan is carried out in front of him at Astroworld festival in Houston. The concert continued.

Fans desperately yelled to Travis Scott to stop the show. There’s an ambulance in the crowd and people were dead. The concert continued.
Why did BionTech update their agreement with Genentech on December 6, 2019?

They updated the contract to include terms regarding RNA manufacturing projects and sequencing.

What confidential RNA projects did they have in the pipeline in December 2019?

Sidenote: a couple months before that, BionTech IPO'd.

Every $14 invested would have returned $389 at it's peak. A small return of 2,715%.

An investment into Moderna on the same date would've returned $418 at peak for every $14 invested — a 2,864% gain.

BionTech's SEC filings admit that both the FDA and the European Union consider mRNA treatments as gene therapy. They also claim it's "high unlikely" these mRNA treatments will change your DNA.

Multiply "highly unlikely" by a couple billion people...

Moderna's SEC filings reflect the same language.

They note that they've made significant losses since inception. I wonder why? Why have they, who specialise in mRNA gene therapies, not had (and still don't have) a single FDA approved product? A mystery.

Dec 17th, 2019: European Investment Bank provides funding of €50 million to BioNTech as part of the Investment Plan for Europe

You could argue the EU now has a conflict of interest with pandemic response policies that could ultimately prop up BionTech.