2015-Harari in a talk at Google

"Communism was the first techno-religion"..."It promised peace, prosperity, paradise, but here on Earth with the use of technology" & says communism emerges out of industrial revolutions

2022-4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset/BBB, C 19


Elon Musk's ex-wife 'Grimes' says "AI is the fastest path to communism"
Klaus Schwab, 2016, on the 4th Industrial Revolution, "it will change actually us, our own identities"

Harari Speech at World Economic Forum 2018,
Essentially we have a group of elites in the corporate, government, technological, & scientific circles taking it upon themselves to create a new global system. A system emerging out of the pandemic, which they are directly benefitting from...
The global corporate elite via the World Economic Forum are your central planners. It is a techno-religion being shaped by unelected global technocrats.

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Following @BAUDEGS I have experienced hateful and propagandist tweets time after time. I have been shocked that an academic community would be so reckless with their publications. So I did some research.
The question is:
Is this an official account for Bahcesehir Uni (Bau)?

Bahcesehir Uni, BAU has an official website
https://t.co/ztzX6uj34V which links to their social media, leading to their Twitter account @Bahcesehir

BAU’s official Twitter account

BAU has many departments, which all have separate accounts. Nowhere among them did I find @BAUDEGS
@BAUOrganization @ApplyBAU @adayBAU @BAUAlumniCenter @bahcesehirfbe @baufens @CyprusBau @bauiisbf @bauglobal @bahcesehirebe @BAUintBatumi @BAUiletisim @BAUSaglik @bauebf @TIPBAU

Nowhere among them was @BAUDEGS to find