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It is not just wrong
& it is not just the epitome of historical ignorance,
& a comprehensive misunderstanding of the relationship of religious and civil society,
This is the declaration of a much deeper intention of instantiating an "American Fundamentalism".
Think "Gilead".

This is the low information ranting of fundamentalists who lay out the emotional, fact & history free, case for what is essentially an American Taliban.
There is no "compromise" or a sense of comity between differences. When you have "the truth" it is a violation to "compromise".

Others, like "The Grand Inquisitor" use the froth and confusion--and subsequent absolutist certainty of their "righteousness" generated by such as this. (and thus justification for killing/harming anyone who disagrees..In the name of God, of course)

It is useful demagoguery.

This battle has been raging for years. Perhaps forever.

One distinctive characteristic of America, has been keeping this level of fundamentalism out of secular power. Individuals, yes, but not the entire system.

One of the consequences of Trumpism is to equate patriotism w religion in a way that births what becomes a passionately ignorant fundamentalism, unmoored from fact or truth,wedded only to its own self as the measure & guide of truth.
It creates a condition of deep tribal devotion
For the benefit of anyone who is actually confused, rather than shilling for Putin, I do not believe in US military involvement in the conflict in Ukraine and have never advocated anything of the kind—much less for the US engaging in forcible regime change in Russia.

The tweet in question came in the context of a long series of tweets I have been assembling over the past several days of Russian and Belorussian protests opposing the war and demanding change.

It came in the context of a series of actions by Western governments—which I support wholeheartedly—to isolate Russia in non-military fashions and support the international order.

My point was that it's hard for me to imagine unwinding these actions entirely while Putin was still in power. Rather, as many other people are saying—including Russians speaking in Russian—the regular order cannot return while Putin remains:

Does anyone, for example, really think that Germany is going to say, as soon as the Ukraine conflict ends, "Oh, that 2 percent GDP on defense stuff? Never mind!"
1/ questions raised by linked thread: What are some other significant traits of liberal thinking? One is the tendency to think WEIRDly. Another is the tendency to employ only 1/2 of the evolved psychological mechanisms of social cognition (and of those mostly just care/harm)

2/ Another is that the left-wing emphasis on altruism/empathy/sympathy can be so single-minded, so exclusionary toward other necessary aspects of healthy society, that it becomes pathological.

3/ Another is left’s relative deficiency in the ability to imagine how other people could think differently, and its tendency to therefore conclude that “others” are sick, broken, malformed:

4/ Another is the left’s greater tendency throughout history to feel not only logically justified, but more, morally obligated, to exclude said sick/malformed/broken “others” from social discourse literally by any means necessary.

5/ These things add up. Patterns emerge. A picture begins to form. More questions arise.

Have we been looking at the partisan divide all wrong all along?
This is the raw truth of the conservative psyche, right here. The core of it all.

One core conviction of reactionaries is that everyone is selfish, everyone is out for themselves, their family, their tribe, that *no one* acts in a pro-social or moral or responsible manner except under threat.

That's what God & religion are to them -- permanent threat of punishment, the only thing that could possibly induce large numbers of people to behave. Without that threat, everyone will just revert to brutal, callous selfishness, right?

Important to note that this is pure projection. Empirical research is clear that when it comes to training -- training pets, training kids, training employees -- *positive reinforcement* is overwhelmingly more effective than punishment or threat of punishment.

People behave well & perform well when they are empowered, when they feel valued, when they have a sense of agency & efficacy, NOT when they are cowed & beaten like starved dogs. Reactionaries can't accept this -- they quite literally can't imagine or envision it.
THREAD: TRUMP JUST BECAME MORE OF A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT THAN HE ALREADY WAS: As most of us know by know, the trump org was indicted on ten counts yesterday, and the CFO Allen Weisselberg was indicted in 15 counts 1/

Despite what the trump org lawyers and donald's crotch goblins are saying - that all Weisselberg did wrong was that he failed to report a mercedes benz to the IRS - these are serious crimes and include conspiracy, fraud, and falsifying business records. 2/

As @kurteichenwald explains here: an org indictment could mean trump lenders will likely call in their loans early, especially if the org falsified business records as count 12 shows it did. So what does this have to do with NATIONAL SECURITY? 3/

Remember when Sue Gordon - who resigned with Bolton after the Ukraine shadow government (Rudy) and the scheme to extort Zelensky in exchange for an investigation announcement into Biden was discovered - wrote an op ed "Cut Off his Intelligence"? 4/

Sue Gordon feared what I posited three months before she wrote the op-ed: that donald was broke and would sell our secrets to pay his debts 5/
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