Slavery by philanthropy. China offers help to Africa to gain voting power and maintain its hegemony.
@MichaelPSenger @stacey_rudin @randyhillier @katewand

"African allies -- which have crucial voting rights at major international bodies -- have arguably become an even more vital bloc for China to keep on side with its so-called vaccine diplomacy."
Why Does Wang visit African countries every year?
"According to the China Africa Research Initiative, Chinese loans to Africa dropped from $29.4 billion in 2016 to $8.9 billion in 2018."
"[Wang] postponed the repayment of interest-free loans from China that matured at the end of 2020"
When loans are postponed, this comes at some price; usually, its' sell your soul to the devil.
Who will control the health narrative in Africa?
China is building the $80 million headquarters of Africa CDC
"how important it is to Beijing to be front and center of what it calls the Health Silk Road -- essentially, the export of its medical and scientific expertise globally", and use Africa as a testing ground for new medication, as well as a new market to sell those new products.
"[China] has conducted vaccine trials in South America, giving countries such as Brazil early doses of those resources"
"China's Phase 3 trials were conducted in sub-Saharan Africa, which would have given some countries advance access to a vaccine"
Politicians turn their population into guinea pigs in return for early doses of the miracle and long-awaited cure. Then politicians are applauded for acquiring the vaccines for their population.
or at least China promised to send those vaccines early...
"The promises concerning vaccines in Africa have been really vague. There has been no timetable, only promises,"
China's control over supranational organizations:
"When the UN Food & Agriculture Organization Director-General was elected in 2019, it was votes from Africa and South America, where China is also heavily invested, that helped a Chinese candidate win the seat for the first time."
The incentive for China to help African countries:
1) to improve China's image
2) to expand China's market share of the Chinese vaccines
3) to use vaccines as a strategic tool, especially in countries where China has strategic interest
"According to analysis by the Economist Intelligence Unit, coronavirus vaccines are unlikely to be available in most of sub-Saharan Africa until April 2022, at the earliest."
Despite Africa prostituting itself at the hands of its corrupt politicians to China, it looks like Africa will have to wait much longer for the vaccines.

More from Abir Ballan 😊

The corrupt Lebanese government put the country in lockdown to flatten the “revolution”. As a result of the worsening economic situation, many healthcare workers were laid off and now the Lebanese people are paying for it by being denied access to care. 1/n

Here’s what would reduce mortality in #Lebanon:
1) protecting the vulnerable
2) increasing healthcare capacity
3) supporting healthcare workers

All impossible to do in a country that is gasping for dear life. 2/n

And yet the #Lebanese people are being blamed for not following guidelines and not following the rules.
The Lebanese people are not to blame. Wearing masks, social distancing, lockdowns and stupid curfews don’t do anything. 3/n

It is those politicians who transferred their money to Swiss accounts, while #Lebanese citizens can no longer transfer university fees for their children studying abroad, who are to blame.
Stop shifting the blame to the people. 4/n

Public health practitioners like @firassabiad and @petra who have bought blindly into the narrative are reinforcing this displaced scapegoating.
Please be aware of the harm of supporting the government’s narrative. 5/n

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