An explanation of what is going on with the Salmond enquiry.

Alex Salmond was the leader of the SNP and was first minister of Scotland, but he stepped down from this position after the SNP failed to secure the Scottish Referendum.

Nicola Sturgeon took his place.

Nicola was basically Salmonds underling and he was her mentor. They were very close.

Everything after this point is all speculation/allegations, so take everything with a pinch of salt until the facts come out.

If the SNP ever allow them to come out.
A rift had been growing for many years between Salmond and Sturgeon as he felt she was not progressing enough towards an independent Scotland, probably because the party focuses mainly on woke bullshit and hate crime laws for memes.

Salmond hinted a return to the party.
Around about this time, with very convenient timing, Salmond got MeToo'd by several women within the SNP, this resulted in a massive police investigation, seriously huge, with the cops interviewing around 400 people.

Salmond was charged with several counts of sexual assault.
The case goes to trial, which results in Salmond being aquitted of all charges.

This is usually where such things would end, but it turns out this exposed everyone to a rabbit hole of alleged corruption within the SNP at it's highest levels.
Important to include that not only was he aquitted, but an enquiry also found the governments action against him unlawful, and he was awarded £500,000 in legal costs.
A parliamentary enquiry was launched to investigate the "mishandling" of this case by the Scottish government.

Some people consider this to be due to him being aquitted, some people believe it was part of a conspiracy to bring Salmond down as he threatened Sturgeons power.
Craig Murray, an ex-ambassador and diplomat, released the identities of Salmonds accusers, which resulted in him being charged with contempt of court.

In this article for The Majority, his defence statements say some pretty damning things about the SNP and Sturgeon.
He alleges that in his meetings with Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and other high ranking SNP members, conspired to bring Salmond down.

Again, all of this is currently just allegations.
He also alleges that the SNP put major pressure on the police themselves to go ahead with the investigation, that it was something they really pushed for.

The whole "what evidence do you need" angle is pretty sus.
As the statement goes on, it seems the alleged victims were being treated like tools, with one even saying they felt more "pressured than supported" to go ahead with the allegations.

Indicates the party were more concerned with destroying Salmond, than getting justice.
You can read the entire thing here :
He then closes with the reasons he made the names of the accusers public.
All of this still ongoing within the Scottish parliament, but it also includes a lot of fuckery, people giving conflicting statements, some people contradicting themselves, evidence being withheld, as well as accusations of Sturgeon breaking ministerial code by lying.
As enquiries are still ongoing, just a few days ago, Nicola Sturgeons own husband was giving evidence via video call, and during the call it is claimed he was "constantly looking to the left" leading to allegations that he was being coached off-camera about what to say.
There are many more things that I did not include for the sake of brevity, but this seriously is a huge rabbit hole and again it is still important to note that all of this far is just allegations. We don't have the full facts yet, and we might never get them.
But, if all of this turns out to be true, then it's over for the SNP, not only will the parties reputation be in the gutter, but many of its most prominent figures will have to resign and possibly face criminal charges themselves
If the upper echelons of this government are abusing their power in order to increase that power, then the Scottish people have a right to know, so I am happy with a full and unbiased enquiry, free from SNP influence, taking place.

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1/10 With respect, multiple straw men here:
A) If you mean by "legally questionable" either that Senate is barred by constitution from trying an official impeached while in office, or that there are even very strong arguments against it, I have to differ...

2/10 Constitutional structure, precedent & any fair reading of original intent dictate that argument for jurisdiction is far stronger than argument against. On original intent, see

3/10 If you mean argument against jurisdiction is plausible, sure, it's plausible. It's just weak. In practical fact, Senate can try Trump now, find him guilty & disqualify him from future office if there are sufficient votes. And no court would presume to overturn that result

4/10 b) The argument from resources is awfully hard to take seriously. Fewer than a dozen House members act as Managers for a few weeks. They are staffed, as are Senators hearing case, by folks whose job it is to do stuff like this...

5/10 Yes, Senate floor time will be taken up. But it's past time for us to stop thinking of members of either house as feeble, fluttering, occupants of a nationally-funded convalescent home. There are nearly 500 of these people with 1000s of staff and a bunch of big buildings...

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अंगद को विदा करते समय राम रो पड़े थे ।हनुमान को विदा करने की शक्ति तो राम में थी ही नहीं ।

माता सीता भी हनुमान को पुत्रवत मानती थी। अत: हनुमान अयोध्या में ही रह गए ।राम दिनभर दरबार में, शासन व्यवस्था में व्यस्त रहते थे। संध्या को जब शासकीय कार्यों में छूट मिलती तो गुरु और माताओं का कुशल-मंगल पूछ अपने कक्ष में जाते थे। परंतु हनुमान जी हमेशा उनके पीछे-पीछे ही रहते थे ।

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ये सुनकर हनुमान आश्चर्यचकित रह गए और सीता माता के पास गए ।

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