After presiding over the backward march of Kenya, politically and economically through the arrogant support of Jubilee, the Kikuyu now have a solution – TO EXTEND JUBILEE MANDATE THRU UHURU’S DEPUTY. seventh thread on Railaphobia

A joke is told of a very difficult restaurant customer who would complain over anything. One day he rejected a chapatti served to him because it was small. The waiter took the chapatti to the kitchen, flipped it over on the other side and returned it to the customer.
It was the same chapatti WITH AN ILLUSION OF CHANGE.I have argued in a past thread that the biggest political fraud unfolding in Kenya is the repackaging of William Ruto from a top Jubilee potentate to a saviour who will lift Kenya from the abyss Jubilee has sunk us
Who is doing this repackaging? You are right: its the Kikuyu community. We defied the call history over ICC. We should have stood with the court to ensure the dragon of impunity was slain once and for all.
We lost the opportunity and now the country is many years backward, almost worse than where it was in 2002. This time, Kikuyu have chosen the wrong side of history AGAIN. They want to renew Jubilee’s mandate with an illusion of change
Electing Jubilee DP is just like flipping over a chapatti and cheating a customer it is different as in the above story. A popular truism says that a PROBLEM CANNOT BE SOLVED USING THE SAME MENTALITY THAT CREATED IT. That’s what the Kikuyu want to do with Uhuru succession
But the most WEIRD of it all is the reason being advanced for the choice – WE PROMISED. In Kikuyu, we often present ourselves as a very advanced community politically and economically. But the only criteria we have for choosing a leader is “we promised”
We like boasting of supposed business acumen but can never apply business principles when it comes to national politics. This shows how little we respect our country and how low our standards are. We should be asking “what are the credentials of this candidate,” but we dont
The problems of tea, milk, coffee etc should drive us to ask questions like – How did WSR perform when he was in charge of agriculture? On tribalism, we should ask what his track record is. Such questions would demonstrate political maturity and love for the country
@NdunguWainaina @EAukot @waikwawanyoike @jageyo @WMutunga @GabrielDolan1 @ErickssonOdhia2 @maheakim @cyprianongeri1 @CarolmNyaga @OLE_WARURU @therealgakio @omollo_o @JunetMohamed @Disembe @RobertAlai @ItsMutai
@nnedy700 @Aleckeei @lunduchris @bngesu @waweru @duncans_twitt @BwireMsanii @Njeriwmburu @bobmbori @blacqlegend @Acetineo @speakkam @gachoki_munene @ayogo_do @masikasimiyu @wachira_gitahi @MwangP01 @JoeAsali @RailaOdinga
@WanjikuRevolt @abedlelgo @Moha001_Onyango @dmbanjo @wambua_daniel @Vancouvercana10 @bkairu5 @gidmj2010 @KulloPascal @Seven_StarsKE @philipnyakundi @hajikalo @felixtn9 @KenyaTuitakayo @MutemiWaKiama @jkoonyango @DennisOnyangoGM
@ParassisO @mandelaonchwati @oliverwabwire @odhiamboZenah
@JONNIEKIP @BasilioCC @Phelixi @Realxxaddi @pkamau99 @Railajunior @alexomondi3 @mauriceoyamo @MuruguKaritu @engndiewo @akokoken @patchyplacing @bintiswahiliya @masindeonyango @Wakabando

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Watch the entire discussion if you have the time to do so. But if not, please make sure to watch Edhem Eldem summarizing ~150 years of democracy in Turkey in 6 minutes (starting on 57'). And if you can't watch it, fear not; I've transcribed it for you (as public service). Thread:

"Let me start by saying that I am a historian, I see dead people. But more seriously, I am constantly torn between the temptation to see patterns developing over time, and the fear of hasty generalizations and anachronistic comparisons. 1/n

"Nevertheless, the present situation forces me to explore the possible historical dimensions of the problem we're facing today. 2/n

"(...)I intend to go further back in time and widen the angle in order to focus on the confusion I  believe exists between the notions of 'state', 'government', and 'public institutions' in Turkey. 3/n

"In the summer of 1876, that's a historical quote, as Midhat Pasa was trying to draft a constitution, Edhem Pasa wrote to Saffet Pasa, and I quote in Turkish, 'Bize Konstitusyon degil enstitusyon lazim' ('It is not a constitution we need but institutions'). 4/n

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